Cold Feet | Arthritis Information


Do any of you have cold feet, not cold from being physically cold but feel
cold all the time and really hard to warm up. I've noticed this since starting
Plaquinil but that could just be coincedence. They are cold to the point of
hurting, kind of a throbbing hurt. I run them under warm water, get them
warm, the hurt goes away, then within 10 min, they are cold again. Sox and
slippers don't help. Any thoughts or advice? Is this s symptom of RA?

lorster -

I have that problem. They do not get to the point of hurting too often, but they do seem to get colder than the rest of my body. Socks, slippers, shoes... nothing warms them up, except hot water or the heating pad. When I get in the shower the hot water hurts my feet, kinda like when you hold an ice cube in your hand and then run your hand under hot water and it burns and hurts.

When I was on MTX I would get hot & cold. One minute I would literally be shivering and unable to warm up, and then by the time I would get myself to go get warmed up, I would be sweating and have to go get cooled off by taking a luke warm shower or sitting in front of the window A/C and this was during the winter time. I would have just went outside to cool off, but my JRA was not doing well enough for me to go down steps by myself at that time.

See, if that is a side effect. After I stopped taking MTX I later read the side effects and what I had was listed under the side effects that you call your RD about... WHOPPS!

Hope you get it resolved soon.

I have painfully cold hands and feet, always have. My rheumy said it's Raynaud's syndrome. This site has a small forum and coping tips for icy hands and feet that might be helpful to you whether you have RS or not.



