???The Blood Count??? | Arthritis Information


I've been on Methotrexate for about 2 months already... And get blood work done... Can some one fill me in about what the blood count means? I keep forgetting to ask my doctor about it... And is it true that the folic acid i'm taking with it has to do with the blood count? Because i'm thinking it has to do with the side affects... I have such bad memory... I can't believe i didn't ask my doctor about this today!! I'm so embarrassed...

Thank you... I've been on metho pills since July and was getting blood work every month, then 6 weeks, then 8 weeks.  The doctor is checking my liver function primarily.  I think the folic acid is for possible side effects from the drug--particularly mouth sores.  I've been lucky and had no side effects from the methotrexate except for a little extra brain fog the day after I take it.Has the Mtx worked for either of you? If so, how long did it take to become effective?

I never felt any startling improvement, but then, I didn't have have any startling worsening either.  I don't know if I would be worse off had I never tried methroxate, but I really feared taking it and postponed for quite some time.

Strangely enough, I didn't have as much hesitation to go on Enbrel; I definitely feel a big improvement with it and am wondering if the rheumy will let me cut back on the methotrexate (20 mg per week).

Thank you guys! My doctor said that it takes about a month or so to get results from the metho... He claims that i'd be feeling as normal as can be... But i still feel the same. lol. And is it true that metho is a poison. Sometimes i go into this walk-in clinic to get my injection. And i see this nurse or doctor that knows me from other visits. And i told him the specialist i was seeing was giving me a higher dosage. And he said he couldn't give me that because i didn't have a note from him. So he gave me my regular dosage. and he started explaining to me why he couldn't do that for me because methotrexate is serious poison. And he shut up and covered his mouth. Like the word "poison" was gonna scare me. And he's like "well its not a poison". And this got me confused because i thought it was.


What do you mean damage? Thats scary...

This whole thing can be scary at times. The damage that gingerdew is referring to is joint damage - that is what RA does over time if not controlled. And the MTX and the biologicals like Enbrel, Remicade, and Humira help prevent and or stop further damage.

Welcome to this site - I have been away for a month or so, but I used to be one of the "frequent users" for the past 3 years. It is a great place.

Take care, Debi  



As Ginger said earlier in the post, MTX is a chemo drug in higer doses.   It is a drug that I give frequently at the cancer center and then to myself also

MTX can affect the liver and the RD will keep a close watch on your liver enzymes.  All of the immunosuppresive drugs can decrease your white blood cell count and make you more susceptible to infection so the RD will also keep a watch on your blood count.

Don't give up on the MTX yet

Glad you're here!


I took my first dose of Mtx last Thursday and have felt sick and run down all week. I took the oral med and am wondering:

Does it get better with time?

Does the injectble form typiclly eliminate these side effects?

It usually takes a couple of weeks 3-4 to get any effects of the drug.   Sometimes longer being that you may have to increase the amount in order to obtain any relief.   Hang in there... and remain to be open minded and mouthed with your RD about how you are feeling.   Keep a daily log (empty calendar) and record how you feel, what hurts and at what pain level.   This may help figure out if you need a stronger dose or if you are truly feeling the effects of the MTX.    Are you taking this with Enbrel or Humaria also?    They have found that MTX works best with one of these.  

Try to remain strong... and remember that we are all here for you if you need us.




Thank you guys for all the information! I learned alot from you people! I don't get any side effects from the injections... I i've been on it for almost three months already... I guess i do feel an improvement... I don't ache as much as i use to... Which is great! Well i'll write again if i have anymore questions. Later!!


Hey there...just finished reading the previous posts and found them very helpful.  I've just started mtx injections (20mg) and haven't noticed a difference yet.   It's been about 4 weeks, and my rheumy said to give it 3 months before I make any major judgment calls on its effectivenss.    Some of you mentioned taking Enbrel along with mtx....has this helped?   Also, have any of you had injection site problems?



Hi everyone.  I just started MTX a few weeks ago.  I chose the injectible form because I wanted to avoid the nausea if possible and lessen the assault on the liver.  I give myself weekly injections (only 7.5 mg so far but I bet the dr. will up that dose when I see him tomorrow.)  I was scared to death of the MTX when I read all the literature on it.  I discussed it with the Rheumy, my family doctor, and the pharmacist.  They all basically said 1) you have to take something to prevent joint damage and the earlier you start, the better. 2) MTX has been around 20 or 25 years so there's lots of data on it.  My Rheumy said in his entire career he's only known of one patient death that may have resulted from MTX use and that patient never got the regular labs that you're supposed to get while you're taking it.  Also, the pharamacist pointed out that she believes some people, believe it or not, get confused about the fact that it's a WEEKLY dose, not daily.  None of the meds are without risk of side effects, but all indications are that the benefits outweigh the risks.  You just have to be careful with dosages and keep a close eye on the side effects and get the labs done regularly.  That's my plan anyway!  By the way, I'm a little worried about the recent shortage of injectible MTX.  Hopefully that'll be resolved soon because I really do not want to take the pills!

I love reading all the info you all post and the moral support is awesome.  Good luck!

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