Flu Shots | Arthritis Information


Hey-do any of you know if it is ok to get a flu shot while onmtx & remicade?


As mtx is an immune supressant I was automatically offered a flu jab by my health authority as I am now deemed 'at risk' even though I am only on 7.5mg. I am in the UK. I had the jab in early november and haven't had any problems. Some folk don't fair so well so it's horses for courses really.


I was also told to get the flu shot by my rheumy.  Had in back in November with no problems. Had mine in November with no problems.

Yes; it's recommended you have one. I had mine late in the fall while on Humira nd MTX.

Glad I did too since the Flu went through my household over the Holiday's.

OH: Just don't get the nose spray because it's the "Live Virus". You can't take that one.Any 'killed' vaccine is ok. All 'Live' vaccine are forbidden.Thanks Bunches!!Go to www.thinktwice.com this can help with your quesiton.

Hi Tara,

I am also on MTX and remicade and I was advised to have a flu jab, I had it in December and it stings a little and can make your arm ache for a little while but otherwise no problems. Talk to your Dr about it because you are more susceptible to all kinds of infection. Have you been told to avoid people who have contagious diseases? Even if you have been immunised you may still be in danger. I just had to miss my neice's 5th birthday party because some of her friends are recovering from chicken pox!

Take care - KT

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