to gimpy - fish oil | Arthritis Information


i have just read the posts (nov/dec) on fish oil started by gimpy.    i have just started taking fish oil as a result of reading t he posts and i am sure it will do some good, so  thank   you to gimpy for this.    i will let you know how i get on.
also if anyone has had any other news on the fish oil topic i would like to hear from them.
anna_ uk london

Anna - hope the fish oil works for you. I've been taking it fairly consistently since Sept/Oct and it's been VERY helpful. I've cut back on my NSAID's by 75%. I love that, no more upset stomach or worries about liver damage. Seems to be working. Time and my next xrays will tell.

The only problem I have with it is bleeding too much if I get a cut.

Hey anna,
That's cool. After taking massive doses of fish oil for almost 3 months I've noticed a startling improvement! My right knee has been in a terrible condition for at least half a year and it has suddenly calmed down (to the astoundment of my physiotherapist). The pain is almost gone! I have hardly any swelling, and my rhuemy has downgraded my RA to "mild". I am near remission! Of course, I am also doing other things like avoiding meat, exercising, and staying on my meds, but I am convinced the fish oil has been a big help, and really worth the expense and the inconvenience of taking 10 extra pills a day. I hope it works as well for you!
What specific kinds of fish oil are you guys taking.  This sounds sort of drastic.  Does anyone else have any info on it? Hi MyMothersPain. The benefits of fish oil have been well researched. See this long thread about it 51&PN=1

It's not so drastic. The only adverse affect it can have is to thin your blood a bit. Mines maybe a bit thinner but it still clots well when I get blood tests and nicks and stuff.

I am, of course, in the other camp.  Hey guys, it's lonely over here. 

Fish oil has a long and studied history.  It is well known for its Vitamin D.  Vitamin D is actually misnamed.  It is a powerful steroid hormone which works like a natural immune suppressant.  Take enough of it and it will almost assuredly help a lot of symptoms abate.

The only problem is if you subscribe to infectious theory.  Those of us that do believe our diseases are infectious in nature do not want to suppress our immune system in any way because we believe that the critters will run ramphant in our bodies.  We take antibiotics to kill the darn things and we don't want to let them hide behind the immunosuppressants - natural or not.  We believe that if we can help our bodies fight back we can beat these diseases.




This is from a totally anti-D web site.


hat may not be exactly true. Cod liver oil is high in Vitamin D, as well as fresh salmon, tuna and mackeral, but fish liquid fish oil made from whole fish (like the kind I take) does not contain high concentration of Vitamin D. I haven't been able to find any solid info on that yet, though.

I think it's important to remember we're all talking about theoreticals here. While you know I am currently looking into AP therapy for myself, many people on the immune suppressing route can still find fish oil beneficial. I'm just saying that for me currently it's very helpful!

I agree it is very helpful - too many studies to deny that. 

I may be an AP junkie - but I don't discount studies that disagree with my belief system.  Well, only the ones paid for by Big Pharma.  LOL.

One of my problems is that I was thinking of going on to the MP - but I am craving fish lately.  I mean craving.  I don't know what to think about this.  Don't know if I can go a couple of years without it. 


You also might want to try OmegaXL - The most potent Omeag 3 fish oil on the planet! 1 capsule = between 200 to 300 Omega 3 fish oil capsules. Dr. Joseph P. Anello. Jr. MD. Rheumatology & Internal Medicine. "I give Omega XL My Highest Recommedation" You can get FREE BOTTLE, just pay for shipping.
Best Regards, some more fish oil questions:

can i take the fish oil on the same day as the mtx?

do you take it with or without food?

my fish oil caps have about 300 mg epa and 200mg dha so i will need 6 a day.   will do a week on 3 just to see and then increase to 6.

stamble(); Yes, you can take it on a day with mtx. You don't have to take it with food, but I take all pills and supplements with food as a personal guideline, if I can. Remember, it takes about 3 months for the benefits to become apparent (or not---depending on how you respond). Oh, and also, please discontinue the use of fish oil before having any surgery or dental extractions because the fish oil will thin your blood. thanks for all for your replies

[QUOTE=Gimpy-a-gogo]Hi MyMothersPain. The benefits of fish oil have been well researched. See this long thread about it 51&PN=1

It's not so drastic. The only adverse affect it can have is to thin your blood a bit. Mines maybe a bit thinner but it still clots well when I get blood tests and nicks and stuff.

My apologies for being AWOL for so long.  I was wondering whether there are any medications which may be affected by taking fish oil?
Hi MymOthersPain---I don't know. Probably not, though. There was some concern about too much vitamin D but as long as you take fish oil made from the body of the fish and not the liver it shouldn't be a problem.