any one ever tried..... | Arthritis Information


glucosamine and chondroitin? i know most use these for o.a.

but i was wondering if anyone here has tried it and if it did any good at all?

still about 3 weeks away from my first r.d. appointment Many people have had good results with it.  I started taking it and had too many stomach problems so had to quit.  My mom swears by it.

My mother swears by it as well -



 You have to be careful as they promote regneration of synovial fluids - if you have too much it can develop into cysts. Remember those? We've got several threads going on about them. Baker's Cysts and other Synovial Cysts, to be cautious when taking these supplements!

Katie, you are an absolute wealth of information. I have been taking it for a
few months as I was having some left hip pain and thought it could not hurt.
I asked my RD about it during my last visit and he told me he felt it to be not
of much use to me as he does not feel i have OA. I do notice less left hip
pain. I'm gonna finish this bottle and then go off and see if the pain comes
back. I had no idea about the cysts and my RD didn't mention it. I learn
something new everyday on this site. Thanks. I take it and it does help.  I prefer Osteo Bi-flex Advanced.  It has other stuff in it too.  Seems a bit better than others I tried.

From: You might think about giviing OmegaXL a try. 1 capsule = between 200 to 300 Omega 3 fish oil capsules. This product is the most postne Omega 3 fish oil blend on the market, with peaple getting great results. You can order FREE BOTTLE, just pay for shipping.   Company information Best Regards, nopain4me.