MRI Results | Arthritis Information


Well...My RA dr's nurse called me today and said that my MRI shows I have several acute issues with my cervical spine.  Guess I have 3 herniated discs pressing on my spinal chord (no wonder I am in so much pain with numbness on the right side of my body....It's really not all in my head!).  So They referred me to a neuro surgeon who gave me an appt. for 2/6.  Guess my RD said I need to be seen by the neuro surgeon right a way and that I will need surgery soon, so they are working on getting the appt moved up.I had a herniated disc in '98 and the surgery was a great success, but I had to be off work for 6 weeks.  And I was concerned about taking time off work before (ha, ha). 

Now I have to research LOA stuff and I think I only get 55% of my pay for my time off.  Hope my neuro appt. is soon so I can get the full scoop.  Hey-maybe i will loose weight while in the hospital!!    It will be quite interesting to break the news to my managers.  Especially since I am also back up assistant to the CFO...and her assistant just resigned yesterday.  Anyone else had this surgery lately?

Wow Tara....where are they? I have one at C-5 and C-6 and it is killer. My surgeon said he didnt want to do surgery yet b/c of my age and I am supposed to have some injections done on Thursday...but I may not be able to do it. I forgot about the 100$$ copay and I dont have the money right I am a I may postpone it untill....????

I cant imagine 3 herniations..that has to be miserably painful...

If you dont mind my asking, how old are you and how old were you when you had your first surgery? Where was the first one?

Tara, that's terrible news. I can't believe you are having to go through all of this. Tara, since you are going to have to have such serious surgery, start asking for what kind of help you can get while you are recovering. Will your insurance cover someone coming in and helping you or will a state service provide it? Your neuorsurgeon office ought to be able to help some with that. But you might have to ask.

Can one of your family come stay with you during your recovery? Oh, I hate that you got news like this.

Prayers and hugs, girl. You need them.

Thanks guys.  I knew I would need assistance health-wise 'in the future' which is why I was thinking about moving to santa fe by one of my sisters.  Then I could get an admin job and do art-type stuff with her in our spare time.  (she doesn't work 'cause of pain issues)

Anyway, didn't realize it would be this soon.  I'm sure someone from my family will come out for the surgery and I do have a friend living in the outskirts of the city who I will try to work something out with too.  But good idea about starting to check to see what assistance programs are available to me.  I haven't actually seen the neuro surgeon yet, so maybe he will decide I don't need surgery???

And Crunchy-I am 48 now and had my first surgery when I was about 39. 

Really appreciate all the support!!! 

OH GRACIOUS Sweetie; I'm real sorry to hear this. Good you're getting the help you need quickly. I wish you the best of luck with the neuro surgeon next month. Hope everything moves quickly and you'll soon be on your way to recovery.


I sorry to hear about your news, Tara. But now you know it is not really "in your head".


Hey, Tara, if you move to Santa Fe, can I come visit you. (You're pretty safe, I can't travel at all right now.) But oh, I love that town. It is so beautiful. There are over 5000 galleries and only 60,000 people. With your background, I bet you could find all kinds of interesting work. Don't forget that Los Almos and Sandia Labs are within a very short distance. And, there are publishers. It is the perfect place for an artist. Plus, you can contact the job shops there in advance, looking for work. Pay scale is lousy but if you have someone that you can live with initially, that would make it feasible. Housing costs are high in Santa Fe, but within a short distance, they become very reasonable. And, they are nothing like San Francisco.

I don't want you to have surgery. But Santa Fe is one of the places I have considered and longed to move to. It is such a peaceful, beatiful place. And, they have a good transportation system because of all the tourists from all over the world.

But healthcare in New Mexico can be difficult to obtain. If you do go there, then try to get help through the University of New Mexico Medical Center. That place is awesome and is set up to help people get medical care when nobody else will do it. Albuquerque is an hour drive from Santa Fe but they have daily shuttles back and forth.

You can tell I've researched this a lot. Oh, Tara, I really want to see you with an easier life. You deserve it.

Tara,  Maybe this will be a turning point in your life.  I know how close you are to your family.  Maybe Santa Fe is where you need to be.  I am sorry about all the pain you are going through.  I cannot imagine back problems like so many have on here on top of RA.  So many of you are so much braver than I am.  I swear, one more thing on top of my ra and fibro would throw me over the top.  Let us know when the surgery will happen.  Tara, this is a serious invite.  If you would like a place to recuperate, we have a spare bedroom.  Keep us informed.  You have had to go through so much.  We all love you. 

They are holding off settiing a firm date for the next treatment since they seem to think I will have surgery.  I haven't see the neuro surgeon yet, but going to try to do eveything possible to seek out other options instead of surgery.

I've been reading everyone's posts and your all in my thoughts.  Just can't type too much for the time being.  I am sorry to hear about those of you having to go through so much in your lives right now.  You are all very strong.  Hang in there, k?

Blessings and lots of hugs to you all!!

