Question for those on Enbrel | Arthritis Information


I've been taking Enbrel for about a year and have had great success with it.  The pain virtually disappeared and the swelling in my hands decreased dramatically.

However starting 2 weeks ago, I seemed to be having more aches and pains.  It's noticeable worse this week (although nothing compared to how it was before Enbrel).

Has anyone else experienced anything similar?  Is it a fluke or will it continue? 

I'm not discouraged, but have a checkup next week with my doc and wanted to get some feedback before then. 

I have been on Enbrel for about 6 or 7 months now. Some days are achy and some are fine. I do notice some discomfort with weather changes. How is the weather where you live? Has it changed in the last two weeks? Also, are you on anything else with the Enbrel? I was having pain in my knees a few months ago and my dr. added Arava to the mix and now I'm much better. Hope that helps a little (or a lot!)Ive been on enbrel for about two years (the last year has been consistant) -- you will still have ups and downs if your moderate to severe.. however your ups will be a hell of a lot better than your ups without it, and your downs will rarely get as low as pre-enbrel

you have to look at the big picture as I have found out. I am about 50 % improved. (or more on some days)

Thanks for the input! 

Honey....I live in NC and the weather has been really wacky.  It was 70 here on Monday, but will be in the 40's for the rest of the week.  I'm not taking anything else for RA, but do take a couple other drugs for other medical conditions (mainly one to keep my liver enzymes in check, which I didn't find out were out of wack until I first went to see an RA doc).

Sophi....I never thought of it that way.  Since I responded so well to the Enbrel, I never thought there would be good days as well as bad.  I was 100% better for about a year....and would say 85% the last two weeks.  I do notice I get sore much quicker now...if I move something heavy at work, etc.

Thanks again!!!



I am new to this, but have been taking enbrel for 3 years.  Every week faithfully!  Just got off of Pred. completley!  But also have Menieres disease and Jaw problems with swelling a few times a year.

Before enbrel I wanted God to just take me.  I could not work, function, and had no QUALITY of life.  Yes, you will still have bad days from time to time.  Weather effects it no matter what any doc tells you.  BUT they are bad DAYS now not week after week after month prior to enbrel

So yes, this rotten disease never will leave us, but thank God for Enbrel to make it more bearable!  Good luck to you and please know that without it we would all be back to our beds!

Good luck, Diane


I believe it was John Hopkins site that noted that Enbrel worked well for most, but that it did have a 10% drop off per year.  Enbrel has worked well for me overall, but I still have rather diffiicult flares.