Patient Assistance Programs | Arthritis Information


Someone was asking for these again. I found my links and thought I'd post them. I save lots of links so if there a particular topic you are looking for, I might have a list of links that will help. Lynk out does me on this though. Most of these links have additional links to more resources. Hope it helps someone.

Patient Assistance

Free or Low-Cost Prescription Drugs
Network Of Care
Patient Advocacy Resources
Patient Advocate Foundation
Pfizer Helpful Answers Home Page
Reducing Medication Costs - Other Places To Get Help - Arthritis on Yahoo! Health
SelectCare Benefits Network How You Can Save on High Prescription Drug Costs.

You can also contact the Drug maker for a particular drug that you are taking.  From my understanding as long as there is no generic from of the drug the drug company usually has an assistance program for particular medicines.  Deanna, I know I have stated this a zillion times, so just once more, what in he-- would we do without you!  You are so helpful as well as many others on the board.

Thank you