send some good vibes... | Arthritis Information


I am having cervical spinal injections in the am (thur) and I am nervous as a cat about it. It will be done under conscious sedation..I am sure it will be fine..but I am freakin' none the less.

Please send some happy thoghts my way to get me through this with out a freak out, or pain....and of course..safely.

Thanks are the best!

Do let me know how you do with this. I will be thinking about you tomorrow.

My daughter had something similar done in another area of her back and had great relief from it. She went through it with flying colors. I am sure you will too.

Good luck Crunchy!  Sending good thoughts your way!
Happy, happy, drugged induced happy dance and thoughts!  May you feel no pain and do a happy dance yourself when it is over!  Love and hugs

Here's hoping all goes well this morning and you are feeling pain free very soon!  Good luck and God Bless!



My friend had that done for back pain and it worked really well for him. Good luck! Can I have the shots? I'll get them with you, how's that? I'll take ANYTHING right now. In fact, I'm jealous hun. LoL You'll be FINE. :P

Crunchy, sending you a ton of positive thoughts and good vibes your way!


Haven't been posting. To much happening. But all are in my thoughts and prayers.

Crunchy, Hope you have great success from the injections.

Are you getting the epidural injections? There are a few different types; I was just wondering.

I'll be thinking of you.

Hugs & Blessings,



Best Wishes fir success from the injections. They really help my DHAnd now we want to know how you did when you recover. Please don't leave us hanging.


The injections are not bad at all.  I've had a bunch, then some radio frequency to kill 6 nerves in my back.  Piece of cake....helped me a lot too.

I hope it goes well for you and you'll have less pain in the end.  Good luck.

Debrakay, what do they do to kill the nerves? Man, that sounds wonderful right now. I see the pain specialist next week and I want to ask them about that.

Okay...I made it through.. and didnt have pain and I am not paralyzed or anything. I had numbing medicine and a steroid injected...with in 30 min of leaving my neck was getting stiff like its old self and now I have stiff neck shoulders and mid back too and a migraine. So ...I dunno...I dont think they worked..I am going to call the doc on call in a min to find out if this is to be expected..damn it..

But I do want to say how much it meant to know that yall were sending me the mojo got me through those hours of waiting for the sedation...and it helped me sleep last night too..after I came here and to sushi and posted my plea for some love...

I posted about all the good support on the sushi blog and the details of my procedure are on my blog. If you want to read more you can check those out...

here are the links..and guys...thanks again..I love yall!

PS...for those of you that have had it or know about it...what was the initial outcome...was it immediate pain relief or did it take a while???

I called the doc..he said it may take up to 2days to start working and maybe even 2 weeks to really feel the full effect..he said my muscles in my neck were really really tight....and that is  one of the reasons I am hurting so much now...

I am to take my pain meds and muscle relaxers...and use ice for the next 2 days..he wants me to call his office tomorrow and let them know how I am..

so...blah...I took some meds..and iced I went from a 9 to a 6 and now..after taking another pain pill..well..I am still at a six..

so I prob need to go lay down take something it again..and try to rest...

hopefullly tomorrow will be better...
