What pain med works for you? | Arthritis Information


Please share with me what pain med seems to help during a flare? One without tylenol. Thanks for you info!wow...no tylenol? are you allergic? have you tried vicoprofen? some here take oxycontin..morphine...Thanks Crunchy...I take oxycodone but even a small dose makes me so sleepy. That is why I thought I would ask if someone had a better idea. What is vicoprofen? I cannot take tylenol because my liver enzymes went up from Methotrexate and the doctor is whatching that closely.

hi suelee i take ibuprofen 600mg for tennis elbow and it helps with the pain but i still can't use my arm very much, i also take vocodin for my neck pain and shoulder and it helps. in short it depends on the problem as to what kind of meds to take i hope this helps


hydrocodone and ibuprofen in one pill...but you could also try naproxen...which is otc..

Suelee please get some Milk Thistle and Dandelion at Walmart and drug stores as it naturally cleanses the liver.  My enzymes stay normal taking MTX and tylenol in my hydrocodone.  I also knew someone who had elevated liver enzymes and they went back to normal taking this supplement.

Take care

I had good results with OmegaXL 1 you can get a free bottle to try if you live in US, just pay for shipping.
www.painfree4u.com Hope this helps. You can try fish oils www.painfree4u.com

um motrin/ simple asprin helps someone? how lucky!

right now, I'm on darvocet, valium and vicodin.. (varies what i use and how i mix it ) and i still hurt..

unless I take vicodin, but then I get really depressed, but wow,

thats what i need, vicodin.. instead of a V-8, lol..

leaving now to find some!






I take morphine er and percocet if I have break thru pain.  The percocet does have tylenol in it tho. The morphine does not.Do you get co-codemal there (xtra strength)

[QUOTE=pin cushion]Do you get co-codemal there (xtra strength)[/QUOTE]


my pcp is trying a different route with me, for the time being.


i am taking 300 mg gabapentin 4 times a day.

rather that using a narcardic, she is trying to find something that will help the pain another way.

the last one we tried, desipramine, worked well but the side effects we awful.

i've been on the gabapentin for about a week, and it seems to help.

i cannot take the normal over the counter stuff,

a: it just don't cut the mustard.

b: they all upset my stomach.

she offered the narcardics, but i said no, lets try whatever we can until i really need them.


I take vicodin but it doesn't help me much anymore unless I take 2 500mg. My doc also put me on cymbalta for depression which also is supposed to help with pain. When I am in a major flare nothing helps but rest and heat and lots of vicodin. I still feel the pain but it is manageable.

Right now I've got Vicodin ES, Ultracet, and Ultram ER, which I vary.  Although the first two definitely have the acetaminophen, I believe the Ultram ER does not.

Another suggestion about supplements to help your liver is SAM-e, which naturally occurs in the body.  I take 800 mg a day and my liver enzymes have been fine despite all my prescriptions (currently taking 13 at last count).

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