It is finished | Arthritis Information


I just finished off my "tub" of chocolate frosting I have been eating on for almost 2 weeks now.

It only had 3 good spoonfuls in it... and they were MMMmmmm MMmmm GOOD! Now tomorrow I will see if my wrist and hands will let me scrape the sides of the "tub" for my chocolate/sugar fix.

we made brownies tonight...choclate chunk...and I added some hersheys syrup and powdered sugar to the top..mmmmmm...mmm!

OMG!! That sounds soo good!

My hubby has been spoiled from when we went to California as my brother likes to eat at expensive restaurants and hubby loved to order desert and he would always look for chocolate cake or brownie with ice cream on top. Now all he craves is brownie with ice cream on top. His mom tried to make him happy and made him some brownies and then bought some ice cream, but he said it was not the same.