Really good news | Arthritis Information


Finally, I get to say it. I HAVE GOOD NEWS!

I saw the Hematologist today for the severe anemia, you know the one that could kill me. She said my numbers were not even that bad, really borderline and probably from chronic RA. They are going to do more blood work and the most that might happen is that I might have to have shots to compensate for my body no longer processing iron right.

I do not have bone marrow damage or aplastic anemia as that bad Rheumy suggested. Honestly, I think he just wanted to pull me off my meds for whatever insane reason. I am definitely filing a complaint on him. The hematologist was a woman, very nice, extremely professional and answered all my questions without acting like I was a hostile witness in a trial. I really liked her. If I need the shots, my primary can handle them. But she really did think it was the normal RA problem.

Also, talked to the lawyer here locally. And, the assistant that I talked to had got a little aggressive in what she was saying about my daughter's disability affecting my claim. I liked this lawyer very much. He knows which Rheumys will support disability and which ones won't. He also specializes in FM cases. He has a 95% success rate.

He went through all my concerns and now I feel like I am going somewhere with this. He said that at this stage, the appeal stage, still 80% of claims are denied out of hand. But he gave me a lot of advice on who to see, how to work with my doctors, stressed that I need to seek help for the depression, etc.

They are sending a form in the mail and I can call them any time I need to. He'll work with me over the phone or in person. I really, really liked him. As soon as I sign, I don't have to deal with SS any more.

Some things were discouraging to learn:

Moms with young children have a harder time getting disability because they see you being able to take care of your children as the ability to do some kind of work. So Crunchy, check with your lawyer and see what he has to say about this.

Working at all is determental to your case and if you do it, no one should know, especially mentioning anything about it to your doctors.

If I had went with Binder & Binder, they would not represent me in a local court here. I would have to make any appearances before a judge in a federal court because they are not local. I would never know who was handling my case. It would never get personal attention. And, I do want personal attention.

He had a great deal of understanding about all my illnesses, quickly decided which doctors where important to my case and which ones weren't.

I am so happy that I did not sign with Binder & Binder. He also can help me with my LTD case which he said it is illegal for them to keep delaying it.

I did find out from my former employer that the LTD is trying to throw out my claim on the basis that even though I averaged over 30 hours a week (the minimum requirement), that I had some weeks that were lower. My employer is amending their agreement to protect their contractors in the future. I don't know if that will help me or not, but something permanent is being done for all future contractors with that company. That's because the personnel lady is so incredibly special. She really has fought hard for me and I've never even met anyone in person from that company. Pretty darn good. Still I hope I can get the LTD. The lawyer can help with that. Binder & Binder had already told me that they couldn't. For this local lawyer, it might not be anything more than writing an extra letter.

This all makes me feel so much better.  

Great news, Deanna!  Finally Deanna, things are going the right way and I am so happy for you and Julie.  

That is super Deanna!  I love the people handling my claim too and I think it is so important you like working with the people you hired.

Another note on having minor children is that they are also entitled to an SSDI check every month until they are of age since we helped to support them when we were working.  I had my first baby at age 35 and he is only 15 now so he is entitled to a monthly payment too.  Be sure and apply for that Crunchy along with your own disability.

Deanna I am so happy for you! It's about time things started going your way.

I'm especially glad you are going with a local attorney with whom you feel comfortable. That's so important.  The lawyer sounds like he's really anxious to help you. He also sounds knowledgable about Soc. Sec. Dis. and the fact that he will take care of your LTD makes him extra special. Will you be working with him or an assistant?

And such great news about your anemia!! Good doctors are worth their weight in gold, aren't they? I can't believe that Rheumy suggested such horrible things to you. A good doctor would know that something like that would just put more stress on you. How dare he do that to you without firm test results.

I think we are all doing the happy dance for you tonight. (as much as we are able to

I'm so glad you are feeling better and have someone to help you with the Soc. Sec. thing. It will really take a lot off your shoulders and ease your mind.

Gentle hugs and Many Blessings,



Thanks everyone. Your support has meant the difference between sanity and total breakdown. I wish I had had this kind of support from the beginning. Maybe that's why I am so dedicated to the newcomers.

Nini, I will work mostly with his assistant, but I can call him any time I want. He was very proactive. He is going to get a copy of the report from the Social Security psychologist that saw me. He really seems to know the ends and outs of the Phoenix area plus what SS normally does. And, he seems efficient. He was also pretty free with his information even before I said I would sign with him. No question was too insignificant. I really do feel like I have someone on my side.

He said that you really have to show that you are getting worse than the first time you first filed. My appeal letter is full of that. But he said that they send out another Disability Report and that one will have to prove again that I am getting worse. I don't want to gett any worse. The SS system still sucks, doesn't it?

Deanna-This is so great.  I've been reading your posts and have been just totally amazed at all the things you hare having to deal with.  SO glad you got soe good news.



Congratulations! I am so happy for you! Finally, oh just finally you get the well deserved help you need.

