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I am looking into finding a new rheumy. I just do not feel my current one is helping me as much as I would like.

I have few problems with him... like he is forgetful, I do not see him but for 5-10 mins, I have not had bloodwork in a year, I really do not feel I will get any better than I am now... and some other things that I cannot think of right off hand.

Anyways, my mommy's friend that use to see the same RD I am seeing now, told her to tell me to go to the RD she is going to now.

Problem is that RD is a whole hour away, but there is a bright side... that same RD comes to a community hospital every friday, and that hospital is 30 mins away from us. So... might be worth looking into.

I will have to call and see if she is taking any new patients and then probably have to wait awhile before I can see her you know the usualy 3-4 month thing.

I first need to change my medicaid doctor, as I have been dragging my feet on that, because I am not sure the doctor I will settle for is available, as all my other choices were no longer taking patients. So, I have been putting off being disappointed once again.

I will try to get everything going next week. As these last few weeks I have been doing not so well, hurting more, and just feel tired, helpless, and just want to stay in bed all day, and feel blah. Plus, I had missed my "monthly bill" last month and thought I might be the BIG "P" word... yep would have blamed that one on hubby

Ok... I am just rambling now... I think, but I swear in my head it is all related

Changing doctors is a huge, risky pain as I am finding out. Good luck, I hope you find someone really good. You're just going to have to break down and do it. You are taking more risk is staying like you are than in finding someone else. Just be sure that you can get your meds during this transition time.

You definitely should get the pain on your ovary checked out. That's probably the true cause of your scare. And, if you are having female problems, that is going to make everything else worse. You could have a number of problems going on there. But a cyst is a definite possibility.

Don't let the fear keep you from getting treatment. I know you are stronger than that. Here's your push. Okay, one more push. Now, go Joonie, go!

Joonie, we are on big bad drugs - we need blood work every 2 months at least. Is it OK to make appts and see the new doc before dropping the old? A good GP can monitor you with blood work until you find a new rhuemy.

Go girl - find new docs.

Yeah, I know... I just have not felt up to doing it and it seems to cut into my sleeping time

Anyways... I have been trying to help hubby clean the house... which means... I sit in the computer chair or a chair and supervise

Maybe it will get better and start working like it use to... I have only had 2 shots so far.

Well, I am off to take a shower and try to go to sleep before 4am. here's to hoping!
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