Take a hike RA...Mozart rules! | Arthritis Information


Well, the Noe Valley Orchestra performed yesterday afternoon in San Francisco, and it was an awesome time!  I'm so thankful I can still play...at least for a day RA failed to control my life.  It was a beautiful setting, in the Randall Museum theater.  The museum is on the top of a hill near Haight-Ashbury with a beautiful view across the city and bay.  San Francisco is a truly marvelous city.  We played for about an hour and a half, classical music including Mozart, Caudioso, and Bocherini.  We are definitely an amateur orchestra but it sounded pretty good.  It's a wonderful feeling to get lost in the music.  The audience was very appreciative and there were lots of cookies, etc at the end.  Even the weather was wonderful..about 60 degrees and lots of sunshine.  We play again next Sunday at a charity benefit concert in the East Bay.


How wonderful! Wish I could have been there. I hope you can keep this up for many years

I've been lucky enough to have visited SF a few times, it is indeed a wonderful city. - Des.

Oh, I made a few mistakes...got lost once and had to find my way back in.  I only started learning to read music about a year and a half a go so it's a real struggle to keep up sometimes.  I can play faster than I can read so I memorized the really fast parts. But I was thrilled to be part of the performance.  It is very empowering to work hard at something and see it through to the end...especially with a chronic illness constantly gnawing at your confidence.  It's very humbling too..who knows what the future will bring.  Do what you can now...don't wait!


Mozart Does rule!

What a wonderful experience that concert must have been. Making music is always a sweet thing, but knowing that you're doing it in the face of RA adds such a thrill of victory.

You say you only learned to read music a year or so ago. Did you play by ear before that?


Thats very nice!  I am so glad your concert went well!!  Its a great feeling when we can get out and do something and just forget we are sick, even if it is just for an afternoon!  Well done!
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