got my ana test results today... | Arthritis Information


i found out my test results for ana test that was done in November. to put it like the pcp said.....its VERY positive.

so there i go. a 640 on the dilution test. (whatever that means)
speckled anf appearance
anti-nuclear factor positive


add another check mark to the RA list....


Sorry to hear about yet another check mark.  They are hard to hear.

Marian posted this before

Sorry that you have the symptoms. But I think it is a positive thing to have it show up in your blood work. I mean you are sick any way. It's hard to be so sick and not have the blood work show it. It takes away a bit of that "It's all in your head" feeling.

Stick it sucks and it's sad.


Marian posted this before

Sorry that you have the symptoms. But I think it is a positive thing to have it show up in your blood work. I mean you are sick any way. It's hard to be so sick and not have the blood work show it. It takes away a bit of that "It's all in your head" feeling.

Stick it sucks and it's sad.



i took it as positive. it really helped me feel better, knowing we are on the right track to diagnosis and treatment.

what sucks is not knowing. having tests come back positive means your getting closer.

my doctor was like, well, we expected that didn't we. i said yes, a good sign really, and really it is.

another step away from not knowing whats wrong and another step toward what is.

even though i had a bad dayy yesterday, it was better after getting that news.


thats my story, and i'm sticking to it.


on another note, she changed my pian med to something different.

she is taking the non-narcardic route for now (and i appreciate that) and although the first med (desipramine) helped allot, its side effects counteracted it bennifits.


so now she is trying (gabapentin) as a route to pain management, and lorazepam for sleep.


we'll see how it goes.


