Discouraged and Impatient | Arthritis Information


This is the 4th week since my husband was diagnosed with RA. I keep hoping something is going to change but it doesn't.  He is in constant pain and the swelling is unbelievable...in his hands,fingers, feet and knees.   How does someone go from being this strong, independent person to being beaten down by this disease?  Blows me away how quickly this monster changed our lives.  Now I watch as he struggles to get out of bed, and grimaces trying to put his shoes on to go to work.  I now put his tie on him and button his shirt and it makes me feel so  bad for him. We went back to the Rheumy today and he increased the MTX to 5 pills a week from 4and encouraged us to be patient until the meds start to work... Again, I will close my eyes and hope is this gonna be what pulls him out of this?  I wonder how long it takes to get him into remission because this is just overwhelming.

  And never have I seen so many people with opinions about what he should be taking! Everything from Milk Thistle to Kitty Litter sandwiches(not really...just a little insane humor thrown in). I know they are trying to help but it makes me a little nuts sometimes.   Just letting off some frustration.....so glad to have this forum of others who know what I am talking about.

It seems like forever before the meds start to kick in. It can take months
for the drugs-especially mtx-to build up in the system to do any good.
Please try to stay patient but also let your dr. know if there isn't any
improvement. It is often a matter of finding the right meds as well.

Becky I sure hope the MTX starts giving your husband relief soon.  I have been taking it for 4 months and can only hobble most days but I will be adding Enbrel this Wednesday!  RA is one of the biggest life changing things that I have had to deal with but I have great support from hubby and son and you sound like a great support to your husband and I commend you for that.You're right Becky and I know that this is something you cannot hurry.  It's not like anything else...you can't go to the doctor, get a prescription and be well in a week.  One thing RA does teach you is patience.  I have never been good at that but I am learning. I feel guilty that I have my health and he's in such pain.  But, I know in  time he will improve.  He has to.  Thanks for the advice, you are appreciated.Sometimes a prednisone taper will help get the swelling under control until the meds kick in. Did the doctor talk about that at all?Thank you Bonny....hope you do well on the Enbrel.  I was kinda hoping the Rheumy would put him on that but I guess it is a little early.  A good support system is everything so I am also happy that you have a great husband and son helping you. Sometimes it is so pitiful we just laugh about it...when we couldn't get a coke open the other night because the twisting almost killed us both...we talked about calling 911 to get them to come open it.  Helps to keep a good sense of humor I guess......No Scout..he didn't.  He's still taking Prednisone but he didn't mention any changes other than the increase in MTX.  But said he would have to get more aggressive if this doesn't get under control soon.

Hang in there...5 MTX pills per week is still a pretty low dose.  It took 7 before it really kicked in for me...but eventually it worked very well.  My doctor also raised the dose slowly so it took 2 - 3 months to really provide some relief.  I know how your husband feels and I'm sure he appreciates your support.


THNX  Alan, that's why I come here.  I learn so much just by hearing how the meds affect others like you.  That keeps me going and hopefully his situation will improve in time just as yours did.  The thing that is most discouraging is somedays he will feel a little better and we get our hopes up.  Then the next day he is worse...it's so weird.

DK- I agree with scout - call the dr and ask about the prednisone dosage.  Higher doses of Prednisone can be a real short-term help, but is not usually continued over longer time frames.  I had similar issues when RA first hit me (47 yr Male) and the first thing my RD put me on was what they often call a Prednisone Pak.  Dosages may vary, but my dosage started out at 30mg for several days, then tapered down to 25, 20, etc. 

A few quick notes about prednisone and how it effected me. The results were quick (within days) and made me feel 20 years younger.  But, it also made me cranky, I had difficulty sleeping and it made me very hungry.  It is important to continue the paks until they are finished and not stop taking them because he feels better.  Suddenly stopping high dosages of prednisone is not recommended.

Long-term, high dosages are usually discouraged - your doctor will surely discuss this.  The long term effects of prednisone can often be outweighed by the short-term effects of bringing down the swelling/inflamation and slowing down the damaging effects of RA.  Best wishes.


Welcome DK; to you and your husband (Hope he's visiting us too).

The predisone is a sure thing. Sounds like he's taken some? That helped me practically over night at first. You do have to be careful though. I'm 36 now and already have osteopenia in my hips and spine; likely due to the use to steriods over the past 13 years.

5 MTX pills a week is really a low dose; but the doctor is no doubt increasing him slowly to let his body adjust. I've taken as many as 10 a week; and I'm now at 8 thanks to the help of Humira. (Which I've sadly just had to stop using

You guys hang in there. The beginning is the hardest.....Don't give up.

Hope to see more of BOTH of you here.

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