Chest Xrays | Arthritis Information


I got a call from RD's nurse while out on road.I had chest xrays done 8 days prior to her phone call.he said he wanted them done to check to make sure there are no nodules forming in lungs?She said the dr. would like to know when the last time you had chest xrays done .I told her about 3 yrs ago for my asthma,(they check now and then for progression)Which my xrays were okay then.My asthma consist of allergy induced asthma. She said he needs them to compair those to these.So I am getting scared,are there something on the xrays?If they are clear what do you need xrays to compare them too??i know probably worrying for nothing.well i contacted the place i had them done,they will be mailing them to him.i go Back to see him June 29th.I guess i will know them,or if he call before then.I have not been informed to stop any medicine,so I guess thats might be a good thing.Well just got in from San Francisco this morning.We took a load from Columbus,OH to Sacramento, then went to state of Washington,back down San Fransisco to Columbus,OH. Hubby and myself drove a total of 6378 miles total this week(good thing MTX is working some of those days.Take care sherry

Your dr. probably just wants to have them as a baseline to make sure the MTX isn't causing any lung problems. I went through the same thing in April. I hadn't had a chest X-ray in a couple years so they had me get a current one. When it came back they said my lungs were fine but it looked like my thyroid was enlarged. So off for a thyroid ultrasound. They said my thyroid was fine but there was some other mass in there. Great. So off for a 3d Cat scan. Luckily that came back that there was no mass it was just shadows from some fat, and eveything else was ok too. What a relief. Just make sure you go in for all the regular testing to make sure the MTX isn't causing any trouble.



Sherry; I'm sure Mike is right...but I understand your fears and concerns. Try not to get too worried about it until after you've talked back with your doctor. I'll be praying for a positive out come.

Mike: I'm gald to hear all of your testing came out scared me when you said CAT scan; I can only imagine what went through your mind. I'm happy to hear your post had a happy ending.

Sherry; try to relax this weekend...and keep us posted.


It was the scariest thing I've ever been through. That week or two seem like years. It was such a relief to find out it was nothing.



I get exhausted just reading about the road schedule you and your hubby keep in a week. I'd probably be dead.
