does anyone know how to help depression? | Arthritis Information


i've been so depressed, i dont care about anything lately. i just need to know if RA medicine will get rid of it or if anyone knows any tricks. i cant sleep at night anymore. i just need help,.....idk who to ask

Yes, finding the right arthritis medication will probably help a lot. But that may take time, and you don't have to wait and suffer. I did, for a long time and I soooo wish I hadn't.

Treatments range from talking to a counselor, joining a depression or chronic illness support group, talking to a psychiatrist, to taking Rx medication. It's whatever works for you.

I had insomnia, and nightmares too. It's the worst when you can't sleep, or can't sleep soundly. There were times when I thought I'd never sleep again. It's like living in the Twilight Zone. If your sleeplessness is caused by pain, a new PM pain med would help with that, talk to your Rheumy. With RA, waking several times in the night is a big problem, many people don't even remember waking up and can't understand why they're so tired every morning!

Here's some links you might find helpful. A page on depression and chronic illness: 2282.asp?index=9288&src=newsp

Online screening test for depression:

Mental health support forums:

Depression sucks! I hope you feel better soon.

But I do believe in getting help if one needs it. So, I will do this.

Kristina, I'm also experiencing a lot of depression right now. I have to quit working, have applied and been denied Social Security and LTD, fighting for all that, and then my illness has really taken a down turn where I am having a great amount of difficulty in dealing with. There is so much loss involved with RA, especially when our physical treatment is not under control.

Yes, getting on the right meds will help. However, do not let that process which can take so long keep you from seeking help right now for the depression. I called a crisis number because I just couldn't stand how overwhelming it is any more. An understanding Rheumy or GP has been a godsend for many here as sometimes they will prescribe an antidepressant which can help you with your pain levels and sleeping. It is a very common problem with RA with a lot of people posting that they have had problems with depression and are so glad that they are getting treated for it. In fact, that is why I finally called someone.

When life kicks you in the teeth, you have to reach out and find someone that can help you.  

[QUOTE=Deanna]. . . I was hoping for a counselor or a case worker, but this is all they offer. I was told "people that are asking for help shouldn't be so picky." . . . [/QUOTE]    Grrrr

Kristina, I hope I don't discourage you in getting help. It is too important. There is no reason someone should suffer with depression. My daughter has suffered with it all her life. It is so painful. You have to get help.

Kristina & Deanna,

I have suffered with depression on-and-off for most of my life.  I know it can be hard to reach out for help, especially when they're giving you a hard time!

One small step you can try is a supplement called SAM-e (S-adenosylmethionine) which occurs naturally in the body.  It is sold by several companies (I take MoodPlus SAM-e by NatureMade, it's expensive but there are coupons on their website) and you can take from 200 mg to 1600 mg per day (I take 800 mg).  It has been used as a treatment for depression in Europe for many years.  This US government study in 2002 supports that claim (  I find that it gives me a little more energy and ability to cope with my day. 

Better yet is to get some counselling and possibly a prescription antidepressant.  But if you're not ready to take those steps (or someone's standing in the way

Hope you're both feeling better soon.

I have had major depression for a long time.  I was actually diagnosed by a pscyhiatrist for it.  I take 300mg of Effexor everyday.  Not only do I have RA and Fibro, but the last 3 years have been absolutely horrendous!!!  My marriage ended due to the fact that my ex, was one of those predator guys on dateline nbc.  He wasn't actually on the show, but I had to deal with him and go thru a divorce.  I've every line there is.  My ex said all the same things those jerk wads say on Dateline.  I've also had to file bankruptcy, and move closer to my family - which has been a godsend in and of itself.  It's weird but I didn't have any symptoms of anything the last two years thru this mess - but now it has hit me hard!!!  I've had unexplained chest and back pain.  I've had all the heart tests done - all which were negative.  Now, my rheumy has put me on prednisone.  I have been admitted to two different hospitals.  Both times they gave me nitro - boy did that help a lot.  Well now since it's not a heart problem no more nitro.  I hope this low dose of prednisone helps.


You didn't give much information. What do you feel is the cause of your depression? Disease? Lost love? Age? Maybe with some more information from you, maybe we can help you more.


i suffered post traumatic stress dissorder with depression for 3 years. during this time i had no idea why i felt so lost and alone . i would scream lash out and cry most of the time. my family luckily stuck by me regardless. i tried numerous medications but never found one that helped me. they only made me feel more distant like a zombie. as soon as i found out that the pain i was suffering was pa and the ptsd was from the trauma, my life started to get back on track. i was told that the folic acid plus the vitamin b complex i took were helping with the depression. occasionally i run out of vit b and the depression rears its ugly head again. its a disease that is very hard for others to  understand unless they have had it themselves. i can understand how you feel, just know that your life is every bit important as everyone else. all the best

I had to quit my job too and am thinking about diability. Why was you denied?

The conventional wisdom, concerning depression, is that if you suspect someone you know is depressed and/or suicidal, you do everything in your power to get that person into therapy, under the care of a professional. This is very sound advice which I firmly support. [QUOTE=Deanna]

Thanks for understanding Lynk. I stood up and told him to treat me like a human being and that was a horrible thing to say to someone in my position. I'm sure he says something like that to people all the time. He put down under my strengths "fiesty and a fighter." He said that he's never put that in there before.

Kristina, I hope I don't discourage you in getting help. It is too important. There is no reason someone should suffer with depression. My daughter has suffered with it all her life. It is so painful. You have to get help.


Hi Lynk

This may lift up the spirits of the person who is in depression stage ..and me personally felt very much nice about how you  encourage.

I had battles with depression when I was in my twenties and finally talked to my doctor about it. He prescribed medicine that helped me out a lot. I wish I had spoken to him sooner. Don't be afraid to talk with your doctor. Depression can usually be treated very easily and fairly quickly. You don't have to live this way, there is help. Good luck. Hello guys...
To get relief from depression why do not you try the below steps ??

**** Ring a friend.
**** Go out for a coffee with a friend or with a good book
**** Do something you like in your spare time
**** Spend time with friends who have empathy who have also suffered depression
**** Spend time with people who have a good life
**** Don't be afraid of medication

Its really helpful...
