Rib Pain | Arthritis Information


I have been suffering with pains in my upper rib area and into my back.It hurts to touch and to breathe. I wonder if anyone else has this problem

Yes; I do and I also have a lot of pain in my breast bones as well.

Hope you're feeling better soon.

Hurting when you breathe sounds like pleurisy - are you having any trouble breathing? A cough, short of breath?http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001371.htm

I have costochondritis but the pain doesn't go around the back, and it doesn't hurt when I breathe, only when I turn or move my arms.

You didn't crack a rib, did'ya?!Yes , I also have rib pain and it goes around my back. It hurts more on my back but not when I breathe. You might want to get that checked out. I also have mitral valve prolapse which does hurt to breathe, like stabbing under rib and in heart. Only happens if I am stressed out or when I used to run.  Hope you feel better soon. Take care. CherieDon't mean to scare you but you need to make sure it is not your heart. Is it canstant or does it come and go or with activity. Does it feel heavy or like some sitting on your chest? I thought of this after last post. Yep, I have upper left ribs that seem to hurt all of the time.  If I cough wrong it really gets bad.  I also tried a TENS machine from a neighbor and LOVED it!  It really helped to interupt the pain signals in my knees and ankles.  I see my Dr tomorrow and it is on my wish list along with Enbrel and a transport chair.


I have costochondritis and it makes it hurt to breathe. This is because all of the tendons, ligaments and muscles in my chest get inflamed and breathing involves moving all of them... BUT each time I get chest pain I have to have it checked out because the meds I take can increase the risk of pulmonary embolism, cardiac problems etc. So it's important to get checked over, I had a depomedrone injection recently which has sorted out my chest pain but had to have an ECG, chest x-ray, blood tests etc first just to make sure. My chest and upper back get very sore to touch, I have to put a spare quilt under my sheet to make the mattress softer and wear a vest instead of a bra etc. The pain goes right through my chest and if I walk upstairs it gets worse. Also PA can cause inflammation of the pleura, not sure if RA does this too? This also causes chest pain. So what you describe could be costochondritis but it could also be a million other things so best to get checked out!

Hope you're feeling better soon!


Many thanks for the posts, I am seeing my g.p. just to be on the safe side. Every pain i get i just put down to arthritis maybe i need to be a bit cautious. I feel like a hyperchondriac sometimes.

Let us hear from you once you've seen the doctor. Hang in there.

Nooo you're not a hyperchondriac Dr's are there to check out your worries and offer advice and treatment when needed. I describe myself as pro-active about my health (or lack of it) rather than hyperchondriac - I hope it went well!


Nope, we are hyperimmuniacs. Our immune systems are in overdrive. It gives one a world of problems.
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