New Non-Medicinal Temporary Pain Relief | Arthritis Information


So Anodyne Therapy has now been FDA approved, and also approved by Health Canada. I have heard from those who have tried it that they are PAIN FREE for days after, and you can actually buy your own machine for home use. Here is a list of clinics worldwide. Perhaps there's one near you!
Gimpy-a-gogo39105.5261342593Curious as to how much a machine would cost. I found one for sale on ebay: de_W0QQitemZ320074915944QQihZ011QQcategoryZ67589QQssPageName ZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

This really sounds interesting. I'm going to have to ask about it. Thanks for posting it. I could swear that I had this done at my PT and everytime I couldn't walk for 2 to 3 days afterward.  I will call and ask them.