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My son woke a week back with bright red legs and what looked like big black marks under his skin like bruises ( he is 15). They went away after about 2 hours but it happened on and off all week.He said it has happened a few times at school.The black marks are huge.I took him to the G.P. for a blood test and saw him last night for the results.My son has a blood clotting problem( clots too quickly). An appointment has been made for him to see the haematologist. Has anyone ever heard of this in a teenager this young. its very worrying but cant let my son see that i am this worried.I've no idea about it. But I'll pray for the both of you. Hopefully, it is something that just needs treating and not serious.

OMG~ I've never heard of that at all!! Bless your heart; I know you must be so worried.

Let us know what develops. I'll keep him in prayers too.

Once he sees the hemotologist, you should have a better understanding as to why.  

Research online for clotting issues.  You would be surprised at what you will find out.   Our son has Sickle Cell Anemia...we see the hemotologist every Month for transfusions.   He has done well and is very active in helping other teens deal with blood disorders like, Leukemia, Sickle Cell Anemia, Bleeding disosders like Hemophilia, etc.

Please keep us informed...maybe I can help to do some research too.

We will be praying for you and your family,


Thanks for your thoughts. All we know at the moment is that this blood disorder causes the blood to clot, thats why he is getting big black bruises that come and go. He also went on a long haul flight for 13 hours a few years back and the airlines transfered him to first class as he was in agony with his legs.The doctor said it could be connected.We are supposed to be going to either cancun or dominican republic this summer so its a worry.

I took care of a little girl not too long ago. I'm cannot remember what it was
called but it was genetic in her case. She is managed on anticoogulants and
she goes in now and then for some sort of IV medication. Please let us know
what the diagnosis is.