I think I know what I have!!! | Arthritis Information


Thank you all SO MUCH for all your responses! You all made me feel all warm inside. I no longer felt so alone and misunderstood.

I took your advice and asked my doctor for a referral. I called in and spoke with her nurse, I also asked for something for the pain.

She called me back and said she was referring me to a rheumatologist. I was really relieved about that. I didn't even had to fight her. She also prescribed me motrin 800. should I take the motrin every day, 3 times a day as she said?  do you think that would help me?

Now, I just found a website, while searching for seronegative RA , and my jaw dropped!  I think I found out what I have! 


I never heard that term before, but it sounds just like me.  negative blood work, migratory arthritis, and swelling is not as common as with RA, [ because I don't have swelling].  the only thing that doesn't match is the fact that PR doesn't cause joint damage, and I already have damaged cartilage in both knees... I don't know... I guess I just be patient and hope the rheummy can diagnose me.  Should I tell him I think I have palindromic rheumatism or would that mess up my chances of a correct diagnosis?

Thank you guys so much for being here!

That's what Pip! got diagnosed with too. Good luck!

You go girl!! Be pro-active. Good for you; I know you're feeling a little sense of relief at this point.

As for the motrin; yes. I'd take it and if you feel a little better maybe take less. (Make sure you always eat first!) 800mg is the same thing as 4 OTC Ibuprofen tablets. I'm in the habit of taking that much when nessesary as well. It won't hurt....but definately don't take it on an empty stomach. Never, Never.....did I say Never?

I'd mention my thoughts on PA and see what he thinks. It will show the doctor from the first day that you are pro-active and know your stuff. That rarely hurts; or at least it hasn't in my case.

Keep us in the loop.

Good for you! Yes, the Motrin will help. Sure discuss that possibility with the Rheumy although most of them don't appreciate us diagnosing ourselves. There are 100 different types of arthritis so it is a real art to diagnosis someone.

You've taken the best step in getting the referral. It may take awhile but you are now on your journey to getting better.

Am soooo glad you were fortunate to have your doctor's office call and make an appt. with a rheumy.  One never knows what sort of luck you will or won't have with a rheumy.  However, I don't think it would do any harm to copy all info you have in regard to palindromic arthritis. My rheumy calls it seronegative arthritis which is what I have along with OA in my knees. My first rheumy was a total loser but my rheumy now is totally wonderful.

Good Luck.....and Do Keep In Touch With Us.  Take Care

I never even heard the term "seronegative" RA until I started visiting these websites.

My first RD dx'ed me with RA before the blood work or x-rays were even back from the labs!

Some doctors are quick to recognize it and some aren't. My RD's never have put much stock in the blood work.....and then other's won't dx'ed you without it. I can't quite figure it out!!

Strange huh?

I have SERO-Negitive RA.  My Mother had it also.  I would wait to see what they come back with...and if it is not close...then mention it.


Never know, it may help them get to answers sooner then later.

I started with a Dx of PR and went into full RA.  Good for you!  I also found it myself and printed out some info to take to my rheumy.  I am still sero-negative RA but full blown at this time.

Good luck and great work!

Wonderful! You have taken a big step in taking control of things. No matter how good our doctors are, we are the ones that need to be pro-active. If a rheumy can't work with that, she/he is not the one for us.  That being said, I personally don't think I would mention PR right up front. Let the rheumy give their possible diagnosis first. If the diagnosis doesn't make sense to you, then I would mention PR.  Maybe I am chicken, but sometimes a little respect goes a long way with MDs at least at first. I know some may not agree, but I guess I would rather have their cooperation rather then antagonize them. But that is just me. There will always be more visits later when we can hit them with our knowledge and research.  As for knee pain and bad cartilage, I have that too, but it is from OA. One knee replacement later, it is better.   Hugs, PatOh, but I so want to antagonize some of them. Please... don't make me be good. Honestly, I don't want to cause problems, but when they come across as God and will not listen, well then...
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