damn lab | Arthritis Information


so  my  rd  office  calls  and  says  the  lab  put  your blood  in the  wrong  color  cap  and  we  need  your  blood  work asap  so  you have  to  go back  and get it  drawn  like  now..

so  one  im kinda  mad  and  2  kinda  worried  why the  doc  said  get his  bloodwork  done  like  now.

uggg  I knew  i  should  not  have  gone  to this  lab  station  for  some  reason.....  good  griefffffffffff

this is  what happens  when  your  hospital  has    so many  different  lab  stations  or  collecting  stations...   they have  like  22  here


hey   for  the  nurses  here  isn't  that like  a major  screwup?  how  do  you     screw  up a  blood  draw?????

ugggggggggggggggg  damn humans lol

and  I  hate  needles   tooo   crap


Deep breaths, deep breaths, Mark. 

I know this is frustrating and annoying, I would be annoyed too.  But we damn humans do make mistakes now and then, don't we?  LOL  I'll bet you could even think of at least once when you have made a mistake, now can't you?  I wouldn't call this a MAJOR screwup, and at least it is easily fixed.

Good luck - close your eyes!

Hillhoney39106.5181481481don't get yourself too worked up and feel worse that before. i know it is not easy , i don't like needles either but they didn't do it on purpose. they probably feel just as bad as you are angery.

well  I   was  not  that  upset  I  worked  at a  hospital  so  I  know  things  happen   

  so  they called  back  and  said  wait  dont  get more  blood  yet...  then  they called back  and  said  yes  you'll have  to get more  blood  taken..  gooodnessssss

I   quess  this  blood  test  is not  done  often  and  the lab  folks    are     not  used  to  doing  it   I  have  never  heard  of  this   bla-12  test?   I  had  heard  of  ccp.

no  biggie  but  I  will call  the  docs  office  and  say  ok   exactly   where   do  you want me  to  get this  blood  taken  ?


Are you sure it's not HLA-B27? The HBA-B27 is a genetic marker in the blood that shows you're susceptible to certain arthritic conditions, in this case specifically AS. Having that particular marker does not mean you have AS, only that is genetically possible.

Maybe if it is some kind of genetic blood test it might require special handling. A lot of labs might not be equipped to handle that.

yup  thats the one  the  hla  b27

and  the  ccp


Geesh! Well we are all human for some odd reason but it does get frustrating doesn;t it? I have had to run back in ( a 30 minute drive) too  redo a chest xray.

At least your Dr. cares enough to notify you right away..chill...if something si wrong  all that is is knowledge.......that is why we go to Dr., to learn more about what our problem is. Knowledge is a good thing even if the test results are not that great.

Shame on the LAB though! SHAME SHAME ON THE LAB!

I'm so sorry Mark as I know it is hard enough to be sick and then have to re-do tests.  Hang in there.Many labs make it a practice to draw what they call a rainbow. They draw
several different tubes in case a doctor calls them and wants additional labs.
This saves the patient an unnecessary poke. Yes, the lab person who drew
should have known the color of the tube before they drew the blood. It was
a bonehead thing to do.

so i  called  early  today  so I  could find  out  exactly  where  to  go  and  The office  does  not  open  till 1;15  pm on  thursdays..

yup a  dr's  life

if only  my health  didnt  take  a  turn like  this  I  could have  done that someday  but  I'll  be happy  to just  not  hurt  anymore or  go back  to   thinking  about  stuff like  how  many  times   can i get  to  the  gym.

I know it is frustrating. Just be thankful it was only a blood draw they screwed up on . My dad (six years ago) had to have a liver biospy done twice because they lost the first one. Talk about being p*%$Ed off. They knew my dad and sisters and I were ticked.

I was talking to my husband the other night. He is a manager at a auto glass shop that has a lifetime guarantee on the windsheild installation. If the window leaks just bring it back and they fix it for free. We should have something like that in the medical field. 

SO are they gonna charge you for a second blood draw?

RUT ROW!!! I'm stirring up the fire.......lol

Good luck Mark

they better  not    plus  they are  turning this  into a  major  pain  called  today  and  nope  the  doc  is  not  there  till tomorrow    staff memebers  are  so useless.. sorry  medical office  staffers  but you  cant  think  without  the  docs  ok..


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