worrysome thought on CRP.... | Arthritis Information


it's me again...I posted yesterday "new here, not sure where I belong" or something like that.

The more I read about the CRP test, the more stuff I find about heart risk, etc. What if what I have is heart related and not rheumy related??? I know I probably sound kinda crazy but I guess I am grasping. Also, I know bad hearts run on my mother's side although, both she and her mother are still living. I'd just hate to croak from a heart attack while waiting to find out what I have. I would ask your PCP or GP about checking into it.

Good luck.

Definately look into it. My ex-husband had a massive heart attach last year. He was 37 years old.

He did experience occational chest pains; but never did anything about it until he dropped to his knees on the softball field one afternoon while coaching my daughters softball team.

It does happen.....especially with those that have a family history. He did; but never put two and two together.

You can't be too careful; and you can't wait on some brilliant doctor to find it first. If you think there's a chance.....it's up to you to push for more test on that.

Doxigal. High CRP's do raise your risk of heart problems. So does RA.
There is a sensitive version of this test and it will hone in if it is your
heart. Ask for the sensitive test. Drs also do other labs and they can clue
them into if you are having heart trouble. I had the same questions you
do and I asked my internist because I, like you had read that high CRP can
really raise your risk. My last CRP was 28 and now it is down to 9.5. My
main goal is to get my inflammatory markers down to a normal level.
That is all we can do. I lost 34 lbs in 2006. I am better about exercising.
I take better care of myself and I actually quit taking care of everyone else
and started focusing on my own failing health. DMARD and other meds
will help bring this inflammation down and it is so important to get those
numbers to a normal level. But it is not just about medications. There
are so many different reasons to elevate these numbers. They even list
anger and depression as two reasons for these values being elevated.
The goal for all of us needs to be getting these numbers down. And that
is what I am focusing on. I read a really good article yesterday on internal
inflammation and as soon as I find it, I'll post it as it explained it very
well. The other thing about women and heart attacks is they don't show
the classic symptoms like a man does. Many woman present with left
arm, jaw, and neck pain. stomach upset, tingling in the left arm, hand
and fingers. Also, pain inbetween the shoulder blades. Many times they
do not have the classic chest pressure type symptoms. This is why heart
disease is the number one killer of women. If you have a history...please
get it checked out. If you are having heart trouble, there are lots of
treatments out there. Don't look at your age because that does not seem
to be a factor anymore when it comes to heart disease and women.I've recently started taking Omega 3 fish oil.  One caplet (1gram) 3 times a day.  It's suppossed to lower cholesterol, help prevent heart disease, and maybe even help RA and ulcerative colitis.  Who knows?  But I figured what the hell, it can't hurt.  My GP recommended it.  They are enteric coated so they don't dissolve until they are in your small intestine.  No fishy taste/smell at all.  So far so good.

I had started taking Fish Oil, but my gastro advised against it, I have IBS and it makes me sick.

I do take probiotics though with no problems.

Thanks for the suggestions.

Appointment with Rheum. in two weeks, if I can HANG ON

Lovie -  OMG  I did not know your Lovie had a heart attack

It was a horrible experience though. Although we're divorced we share two children and we're still very friendly despite our past. It was hard on the kids and even me. It's sad to watch someone you care about go through something like that.

He didn't and still doesn't have any health insurance. He's left with thousands and thousands of dollars in hospital bills (Major emergency surgery & three days in the ICU) and is having trouble getting the proper follow up treatment and prescription medications with out health care. It's really rather sad. I feel so helpless......and have had to fight the urge to remind him that I told him all along he needed health insurance. I'm far too nice to say "I told you so" when a man's down like he is now. He seems to be doing ok though; although I know he doesn't feel good a lot and won't go to the doctor.

Would someone tell me what CRP is please?I too am ignorant on this matter so I cant help you so if someone can explain to me too what CRP is . We may call it something else in the UK I dont know.CRP=C Reactive Protein.  Its a blood tests that measures the amount if inflammation in the body.
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