I Finally Done It! | Arthritis Information


Yes, Deanna and Marian, I changed my medicaid Dr. and will be able to see him after March 1st, but will have to wait until I see my new medicaid Dr. to be referred to that other Rheumy I was told about.

I called my current Rheumy today to see if I could get something for my pain, swelling, lack of ROM, and stiffness. He called me in a pred pak

Oh and get this! The medicaid person I talked to today told me that medicaid was not to pick up my co-pay for Dr. visits. She said the other 2 before me that told me they were to pick it up were wrong. So... now I pose the question... what is the use of having medicaid if they do not pick up what your insurance leaves over?


Good news! You sound so happy. I don't understand about the Medicaid either. It could be that she is wrong. You could always call the new docs office and check it out. I find that I get different stories all the time.

Aaaahh... Not happy.... yet... as I am not sure if this Dr. will be any better than the last one I had. You know not rude and so on. I am just surprised he still was taking patients as all the other ones I was trying for that were within 20 mins of me were at their limit of medicaid patients, but were family practice doctors and this one is an Internal Medicine Doctor which is across the hallway from my current Rheumy, and is 7 mins away from where I live! So... will let you know about the happy part when I get to visit with him. I do not really have high expectations of doctors I visit, only requirements are they are not rude to me, try to kill me, and can fix me or somewhat fix me

Hubby said I might as well just try to go to that other RD before seeing the other medicaid Dr. and see if I can get in without a referral. As he knows I am not doing as good as I was about this time last year. He said if we had to pay out of pocket he would, just so he did not have to hear me be bitchy anymore. I cannot help I get attitude when I hurt, get hurt, or both! But at least my back is not hurting that much anymore, it is just the rest of my body
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