Pregnant with RA | Arthritis Information


Hi, I've had RA for over 20 years. I am pregnant with my second child. My
rheumatologist insisted that 90% of all pregnant women go into remission,
however I haven't gotten lucky. I have been on Enbrl for 7 years which makes
me feel as if I don't have the disease. Unfortunately, Enbrel is not approved
for use during pregnancy, so they put me on the dreaded prednisone last
week. Here is my question. MY symptyoms are so bizarre! I have never
experienced this before. I will flare in one joint, a joint that in the past rarely
or never flares, then it spends one or two excrutiating days attcking that
joint, and then suddenly moves on to another previously unaffected joint.
Has anyone ever experienced this before? What happens next? I am hoping it
will not be able to settle in, and jumpon out of my body...wish wish...

Welcome Jilli.

I'm not experienced in this while pregnant. I was dx'ed right after the birth of my second child.

I just wanted to say Welcome. Hope things will be ok for you.

Stick around.....this is a really neat group.

Thank you. Hopefuly I can be of some help as well. I have had this disease
for 19 years now, and I am a nurse practitioner. Boy, you really get a new
appreciation for Enbrel when your off of it. Welcome Jilli.  Your experience with Enbrel is good news for me as I got my Rx for it yesterday.  We will hope that the flares end soon for you.

Welcome Jilli!  I've had that happen throughout the 7 years that I've had RA.  For example, one of my thumbs will get huge and throb for a few days and then it will completely go away.  Actually, that's how my RA didn't settle into any joints for quite a while and was not symmetrical.  I hope you end up being one of the lucky 90% and then you won't have to worry about it:) 

Just curious...were you on Enbrel when you got pregnant?  I'm on Celebrex and have unsuccessfully been TTC for 2 years. 

Take care!

Your post caught my attention b/c my first pregnancy triggered my
RA for me. I never had a single symptom until then. And that "traveling
pain" is exactly how it started!! One finger would be swollen and
excruating for 1or 2 days and then totally fine and the pain would move
to one knee for a day or two and then continue to move throughout my
The doctors didn't even think it was RA b/c I was pregnant and the
FALSEHOOD of remission during pregancy but BAM - 5 weeks after giving
birth it was fullblown!
Unfortunatley I don't have any words of wisdom but I just had to reply
since your traveling pain sounds so similiar to mine and I've never heard
of anyone else having this problem.
Good luck and I do hope you are one of the few that do go into

           My daughter has RA as of last year.  She is on 2 different meds at the same time Methotrexate and Enbrl.  Is only the Enbrl needed.  Most people on here only mention taking Enbrl by its self.

Her doctor has her on both which are both injected.  She is only 24 and is worried about what the Methotrxate will do to her potential for having chidren later on.  Do you know anything about this?  Thanks in advance

Hi Jill! Welcome to the board!

After reading your post I thought that this might help you. thritis-Symptoms&id=350869


My arthritis started out with palindromic arthritis and only after I gave birth to my first child did I fully develop RA.

Pregnancy can do strange things to a woman's body.

Who knows? At the risk of giving false hope- Maybe it will make you BETTER.
