New member intro | Arthritis Information


Hello everyone.  I posted this in the Introductions section, but Lovie suggested  I might post it here as well.

I'm a 36 year old woman who's been suffering with degenerative disc disease (both cervical and lumbar), cervical spondylosis, and fibromyalgia for about 6 years, and now I've just been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis as well.

I'm fortunate to have some great support.  I remarried this past summer to a truly wonderful man and gained two great stepchildren in the process (my stepson lives with his mother and my stepdaughter is out on her own).  My parents and sister live nearby.  And somehow I am still managing to work full time, although it is more of a struggle every day.

I've tried many treatments, my social calendar is full of doctor appointments, and I'm on a wealth of medications.  (Thankfully I have good medical insurance.)  I just started Enbrel yesterday and I'm trying to manage my expectations, while still remaining hopeful.

I am finding the combination of all these diseases to be a little overwhelming, so I thought I might drop in here for some shared information and some good company. 

Welcome InnerGlow!  You are in good company here with alot of compassionate people who have a wealth of knowledge.  You will love it.  Come often and post lots!  This place has been a godsend for me!


Glad you're here. It's amazing what a difference it has made in my life just to finally find a group of folks that are sharing the same daily struggles as I am.

I always felt so alone being young with a disease I only knew old people to have. Lord have I come a long way since then. lol

Welcome again. Looking forward to getting to know you. We have a lot in common.

Hi InnerGlow!

     Enbrel worked wonders for me, it took about two months before I noticed the change. I'm sending good TNF vibes your way!

Welcome . . . The people on here are wonderful and always ready with inspiration or some knowledge of their own.WELCOMEGlad you have joined us. This is my place for staying sane. Without these people, I would be lost.Welcome.  Like you,I started out with degenerative disk disease, fibromyalgia, and later had sero positive RA and Sjogren's added to the list. This is an amazingly well informed group of people who can help you. I've learned a lot here and as well as being experienced first hand, they are compassionate. You're in a good place. LindaIt's nice to meet you! I am very new here and new to the arthritis diagnosis but I have found this to be a very supportive board with a wealth of great info!

NancyI love your screen name, InnerGlow.  Is there a story to go with it?

Glad to have you joining us!
welcome Innerglow.  You have a lot on your plate.  You are so fortunate to have support and good insurance.  It will be great to hear more from you.  We all have unique perspectives.  WELCOME Welcome Innerglow.  Glad you stopped in for a while.  Its never easy when it takes a full paragraph to list your conditions, but you've come to the right place.  I'll second the Enbrel yahoo.  It took 2-3 months for me, also.  And it wasn't a "wake up one morning" kind of relief.  It was more subtle from week to week, but given time, it really made a difference. Best wishes. Welcome InnerGlow!  I also was just Rx'd Enbrel so I hope it helps the both of us.

Hi Innerglow.....glad you joined us.


Hi there Innerglow.  This is the best sorority at the school of hard knocks, so welcome aboard.  There is always help to be found here.

Hugs, N&T many warm welcomes!!

Thanks to all.  I especially needed it this morning because the weekend was particularly bad...and that was really depressing since I just started the Enbrel.  Not that I was expecting instantaneous relief, but I felt like I went backwards.  Got to remind myself that all is temporary and to be patient.

As for the screen name, I've been using it since I went on after my divorce.  I tend to be kind of sharp on the outside, but very sweet inside, plus I work for a lighting company.  The name went along with my headline "Incandescent woman seeking electricity".  It worked for me...within 12 hours I met my second husband.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to getting to know you all a little better and wish you the best on your journey with this condition.

Very creative original.

Sorry your weekend was not very good. Mine wasn't too bad. I have been really stiff and sore because I had to stop taking Relafen and Humira for surgery this Thursday.

Take care of yourself...better days are ahead.


Welcome!Welcome aboard innerglow, lovely to hear the story behind your name and that you have love in your life.  Good luck on the Enbrel.