xrays | Arthritis Information


I'm diagnosed with ra now for two years, and have the obvious symptoms of symetrical swelling and pain, especially in hands and wrist. I have flares with fatique, flu symptoms and increased swelling.

The bloodwork does not show ra , so the doc says I'm sero-negative. I've had the symptoms for 8 years, beginning abruptly and with great intensity.

I'm on plaquenil, metrotrexate and relafen. Now, I'm questioning if I really have ra. Because, my hand exrays showed no joint damage, and with the pain I've had I find it hard to believe they looked o.k.

Anyone out there have normal joints on xray with ra??

I will find out next week about xrays on my hands and feet. My blood work is showing no RA at present but I've had RA for 6 years. It isn't just the films or the bloodwork. He is probably looking at all your symptoms. Also, if he's been treating you aggressively which it sounds like, it is a very good thing that you don't show erosions. It means the treatment is working for you. This is a very good thing.

I do definitely have RA showing up on films in my knees and my shoulder. So just one area not showing it doesn't mean you don't have it. Of course, you should voice your concerns your next visit.

Mine has shown evidence of "changes" for a long time. My doctor has told me that due to the treatment I've been on for so long the progression has been slowed.

It's definately a good thing that you don't show evidence of changes. It doesn't mean it will always be that way.....but for now it's very good news.

You've got plenty of years ahead of you. One day it's likely to change.

I know I suffer bad pain even though I'm told my RA is under control. My doc always checks for swelling and takes Xrays of my hands yearly.

Oddly joint spaces that have thinned in the past are in areas where the pain has not been the worst.

Go figure?

Hi Ginni, My hand x-rays were neg. FOR RA. I DO have severe damage in my thumbs from OA, to the point that my  hands have limited use. As you know, without thumbs it's very difficult to do much of anything.

However, my initial rheumatoid factor the day I was diagnosed about a year ago, was 658. Inflammation tests were and still are very high.

My Rheumy just did hand MRI on both hands,  on which I get results 2/7. Tried MTX and had bad reaction. Did trial of prednisone and made no difference in pain relief or test results.

I'm supposed to start Plaquenil after next appointment. As I understand it, this is a very tricky disease. I don't have swollen or  hot joints, but my whole hands will swell. Shoulders, knees, feet, hips,etc. have a lot of pain and stiffness.

I don't think there is any definite group of symptoms that everyone has. The rheumatologist has to kind of be a detective and put everything together in each patient to try to figure out if they have an autoimmune disease and, if so, which one.

All I can say is, I too have a hard time sometimes understanding how my rheumatologist works. I've had a year's worth of tests and am not on any treatment yet. But if you really like and trust your doctor, then talk to him/her about any questions you have. If they are a good doctor I'm sure they will be glad to explain it to you.

Good luck, I hope you are feeling better.

Many Blessings,



Ginni my hands still looked fine on xray at the 6 year mark. they probably should have looked at my feet! 


My x-ray's only showed minor osteoarthritic changes, but my MRI showed erosions, joint effusions, soft tissue thickening, joint narrowing, and bony irregularities. So...I'm glad my primary care dr. finally sent me for the MRI  and then on to my rheumatologist. The pain is intense alot of the time and I'm still waiting for my meds to work. Will have my 4th injection of Humira on Monday but so far, it hasn't helped.

Everyone Thank You for all your replies. Its so helpful, and you guys are so nice. Ginni



 Usually with sero-negative, deformaties doesn't appear as rapidly as sero=positive if any. This is what my rheumy explained to me. In a sense its a blessing to be sero-negative.....I'm the opposite, "POSITIVE" and have tons of deformaties thru out my body from RA.

Hi Ginni, I am sero-negative as well and it was a few years before erosion and thining showed up on x-ray for me.  Matter of fact it just happened last week at my appt.  Also like someone said things show up on MRI's sooner than on x-rays so maybe an MRI is in order.
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