Anybody in here? | Arthritis Information


I know I can't be the only one around with FM.

So here's my do you tell which pains are FM and which are RA (or whichever flavor of arthritis you have)?  Sometimes it feels like they all just blend together.

from my knowledge, the sore/tender points of FM are the markers. FM makes the muscles and tendons sore, but there is a definite spot in the muscle area that is oh so sore to touch. And you are right, it does all blend together.

OMG! FM for me is crazy! I have all my tendor points, but I also have pain by touch on every part of my body. My RA has calmed down since being on rituxan, but when it did flare is mostly pronounced in my joint areas. I have other chronic illnesses so my meds and symptoms do really blend together, so it's all crazy to me! You are not alone.



I have no idea how to figure out which is which. I have Reactive arthritis and it attacks the tendons. So, when the fibro is acting up it is playing havoc with my muscles, which are attached to the tendons which are attached to the joint.

I just hurt!!!!

Still new at this, trying to find my way.

Mary Kay

I have fibro and now my doc suspects RA and i asked the same question on the fibro site i belong to lol.  Maybe between this post and the one on the other site, we can figure it out!  Hi all, glad to find you all. I have RA,OA,and Fibro and the rest is too much to tell. I have been on MTX for about 3 months and now doc has added Humria. Anyone else have close to my mix? I pray all have had a good day.[QUOTE=InnerGlow]

I know I can't be the only one around with FM.

So here's my do you tell which pains are FM and which are RA (or whichever flavor of arthritis you have)?  Sometimes it feels like they all just blend together.

[/QUOTE] [QUOTE=InnerGlow]

I know I can't be the only one around with FM.

So here's my do you tell which pains are FM and which are RA (or whichever flavor of arthritis you have)?  Sometimes it feels like they all just blend together.


Hi there, I'm not sure if I have fibro or atleast I havn't been diagnosed yet, but I'm pretty sure that's what it is. (PAIN) I am currently going to a pain specialist, and they are trying different meds, but nothing works. I personaly think I need higher doses, but they won't give them to me. My isiter and I both have a VERY high tolerence to pain meds, and I'm a pretty big girl, therefor I think that's a good reason to increase the doses rather than change the med. In some cases I've taken higher doses on my own and found some releif, but if I tell the Dr.'s that, then they will cut me off completely, ya know. Any way I'm not sure if anyone comes here much, but I sure would like someone who is going through what I'm going through to talk to about it.  Thanks, Kellee
