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I have been diagnosed  with RA since October 2006. I have been on Methotrexate? (spelling) the medicine makes me nausious the first day and then a different kind of pain for 2 days then the joint pain returns just wanted to ask if any one else had experienced this with this medicine. I have tryed mobic and it does help a little but I don't know if it is enough for the expense? 

I have pain meds from my regular Doctor and he gave me the Mobic to try. My RA perscribed the Methotrexate and he has given me 3 shots of prednsone. I really don't like the Methotrexate because of the pain I feel for the couple of days afterward. and It hasn't really given much benifit that is noticable. Is it something I need to reconsider?


Well just a few words and a question




Did your doctor discuss a biologic drug....such as Enbril or Humira. I think that methotrexate (MTX) and a biologic seem to be the standard treatment IF you have insurance and IF you can tolerate MTX.  Good Luck to you

Thanks for responding.  My RA doesn't seem to want to talk about much about anything except what he is doing for the moment. I have really been disappointed with him and his way of doing business. He seems to have an ego problem. I talked to him about this but he wasn't interested in any other subject. He kept telling me it is a mild case of RA. but I haven't found anything mild about it.

 I guess my first post should have been more about getting to know everyone. and I hope I haven't offended any one. I appoligize. I know probably most of you have been here for a while. Just glad to have found this site.




I'm a newbie too, so don't feel like you are the only one who doesn't know everything.  What dosage of MTX are you taking?   Do you take it with food?  at bedtime?    It does take awhile for the benefits of the methotrexate to kick in.  Hang in there!



I started out with 4 for a month then it has been 6 since on saturday. I have tried taking it mornings. then split it morning and evening, and Fri nite , sat morn and sat noon. trying to keep it in that 12 hr period. but results is same every sat being sick. I couldn't go to work if I took it on work day.

I have had a few people tell me some horror stories about it. and that makes it harder to take.  


Try taking it on a stomach full of carbs, such as pasta, potatoes or rice, then drink lots of liquid for the next 2 days. (90% of the mtx is processed through your liver in the first 48 hours. The other 10% lives in there for months). I had some side effects when I first started which have since gone away. I also responded almost immediately, which is unusual. However, I've never heard of the weird pain thing before, so I am mystified.

Hi CJames and pjachy, I just wanted to jump in and say HI and Welcome both of you!

The Methotrexate does take a while to show any benefit from what I understand. I'm sure someone who has been on it a while will sign on and tell you more about it. I had a bad reaction to it and stopped after about a month. Started with pills, they made me sick. Then injections, and I developed a very bad cough. I am currently on nothing for my RA. Next appt. supposed to start Plaquenil.

CJames, if you are not comfortable with your rheumatologist, is it possible for you to change to another? Maybe ask your regular Doc if he knows someone with a little more compassion and less ego. It really helps to have someone you can relate to and talk to one on one.

Good Luck to both of you.

Oh, one of our really wonderful members, Roxy, is not feeling well enough to post much at the moment, but she asked that we welcome the new members for her. So, on behalf of Roxy...WELCOME!!!

And a big welcome from me too. I'm sure you will like it here. Everyone is willing to help with the knowledge of our experience and there is always a shoulder if you need one. (People get pretty silly from time to time, too. Usually, just when we need it the most

Hope to hear from you often,




Welcome CJames and pjachy! 

CJames I agree with maybe changing rheumy's if possible.  With this disease we need good understanding Dr's.  I also did not get much of a response from MTX and just started Enbrel.

By the way pjachy I don't know very much either.  We just all try our best to get thru each day.

Take care,

Hi and welcome! Give MTX a chance to work, it could take awhile. Let your RD do his job and if you begin to have really unpleasant side effects than you can be more proactive about changing your meds...but, those may take awhile to get used to and work as well. That is how it is. I was dx in nov of 1991 and it took over 11 years to find what would help have to have plenty of patience for this disease...and it is a monster and  it is horrible and that is just the way it is.

BUT, when you begin to feel better, it will all be worth it. Just remember and keep in mind, the alternative to all these drugs  is being all knarled up with bone erosions and bedridden.


Welcome CJ (I like that nick name; can we call you that for short?)

I've been on MTX (We use that for is hard to spell isn't it?) for over 4 years now I guess. I'm now down to 20mg (8 pills a week) down from 25mg a week which is 10. It took a little while to get the full benifits but is was well worth it once I did.

Even now it can still upset my stomach for a little while after I take it. BUT; it's a lot better than it was early on. At first I'd take it on a Saturday night and spend the majority of Sunday in the bed. I don't have to do that anymorel; but if I feel like it, I consider that a day of rest and stay in my PJ's all day and watch SoapNet!! By Monday morning I'm much better; but sometimes (Less now) I'm still dragging.

I've had RA for many years and although mine was considered Mild to Moderate from the start....I've still struggled greatly. It wasn't until I started MTX and then later Humira did I finally think "Hey; you can still have a fairly normal life with this crap!"

Hang in there ok. It gets easier. One really good thing I discovered since being on MTX are these these message boards. It helps so much to have a group of peers facing the same struggles as you on a daily basis. It doesn't matter how supportive your friends, family and spouses are; they can not imagine what we face daily with life with a chronic illness. These friends here do. There are many sites; hope you'll stick around here, but if it's not here; find a group you can get to know. It really helps. More than any doctor you'll ever see will.

Again, welcome.

As said, it does take MTX awhile to work. You are doing it a very low dose. Having good communications with your Rheumy is essential. What exactly feels out of control with symptoms. That will be a good clue as to whether or not you need something additional at this point.

I do find Mobic very helpful with my pain. But there is a generic brand out there now called Meloxicam which I think is much cheaper. You can check out how much that would be for you with your pharmacist. You can also compare it online by doing a search on both. It seems to work just as well.

I've been on MTX a long time but was recently taken off because of side effects. The important thing is to get that bloodwork done regularly. They can tell what's happening and intervene by stopping the medication right away. It was very helpful to me and I feel worse without it.

It did make me very sick in the beginning. I just got in the habit of taking it Saturday night and not planning anything for Sunday. And, I counted on needing to sleep. It gave me a lot of stomach upset in the beginning and still did some over time but I was able to adjust to it. Some people just cannot take it, but you actually sound like your body may adapt.

Welcome CJ,

Everyone has such good advice for you.  I just wanted to say hello and welcome.

Lovie's advice is so good and she has such a wonderful attitude, I hope she inspires you as much as she does me.

Best of luck to you.


Hi CJ and welcome!

I have been on MTX since the end of October and I too found it upset my stomach.  I was on 20mg (8 pills).  My rheumy had me switch to injection because of the stomach upset.  Nothing really changed, so she told me to up my folic acid.  I was taking 1mg daily and am now taking 2mg.  It did seem to help somewhat.  I also feel achy from it.  (Kinda like you've got the flu). I'm still in quite a bit of pain but I think I am improving.  The morning stiffness has lessened some too.

Hang in there!

Welcome newbies!

My Rd started me on MTX but took me off it around 2 months later because of the side effects. I couldn't move off the couch for two days after each dose and then still felt sick for most of the week. And my hair was falling out by the handfuls. Even with folic acid. I'm very fortunate to have a sympathetic dr. He's tried many drugs with me, trying to find something that will work. Currently I'm on Humira and sulfasalazine. It's too early to tell if they're working.

I would also tell you to find a new rheumatologist if it's possible. You shouldn't have to put up with an egotist along with everything else. Good luck to you! I hope you're feeling better soon.

Hi guys! I was only on the metho for a short while, something like two or three weeks. It made me very ill and my dr. told me to stop it. From there we went to Enbrel and Arava combo. I think there must be some trick w/Metho though. I mean, try taking it like the others said, on a full stomach. Some people get extremely fatigued for a day or two after they take it so maybe take it on a Friday and try and sleep the weekend away. Pamper yourself a while. My mom is on it and has zero negative side effects. I have no problems on the Arava yet other people I know had every side effect under the sun. The trick I suppose is knowing what is just your body adjusting to it and what is your body say "Eh eh, this isn't going to work"! Good luck.

Also, I agree with the others. If you don't feel comfy w/your dr. - find a new one. You're ggoing to be dealing with this disease for a LOOOOOOOONG time, might as well find a dr. you can build a great relationship with. Welcome too.Hi CJ, I've been on MTX for nearly a year, now. It didn't do much until I hit 15 mg. & added Celebrex & Arava. It's been a pretty good mix for me. At this point, there have been side effects. I'm on Leucovorin for hair loss & mouth sores, & the Leucovorin diminishes the effect of the MTX & Arava.'s not falling out anymore. And it does work.

For nausea & stomach pain, I'm on Protonix. It's working really well. I wouldn't be too quick to jump to the next med, because they all lose effectiveness over time. We'll be living with this disease for the rest of our lives. While there are a lot of new drugs in the pipeline, they all can have pretty serious side effects.

It sounds like the thing you need first & most is a new RD. Find one who isn't so sure & full of himself. They are out there. It's a partnership you are going to have for a long time. If he's not listening to you, he's got to go.

Crispy~That's so Sweet of you to say. Thank you.

Anyways, WELCOME!! :)

hi, i've been on the site for a few months just after my diagnosis. i've been on mobic from the start and just started plaquinil for the last couple weeks. the mobic just started kicking in for me about a month ago. for me the mobic just helps with my swelling (i get it in my feet and in my nuckles) but not for the pain.  

i did a resharch paper last semester on mtx and someone else asked me to put some info up but i had a lot of stuff going on but i'm still planning on it and it will probably be up later in the week because i've got a lot of school stuff to do in the next couple days.

i'm sorry for the delay about giving you the info but i have to find a copy of my essay.



Welcome CJ.

I started on MTX 4 weeks ago. I have probs with upset stomach and very tired and easily aggitated. By the 3rd week of taking MTX my stomach was so upset I threw up and was upset for 1 1/2 weeks so my Rhuemy told me to skip my 4th dose (would of been today) and we are going to try the injections on Tuesday. If I have the same reaction with injection then we will move to the next drug. I have seen no positive results as of yet with the MTX but as others have said it takes a while to work. Oh 1 positive thing I have lost 15 pounds in 2 weeks because of nassua.

Welcome and hello from another newbie.

i am 1 finger typing today.  i just wanted to let youknow that i had horribe muscle aches, spent months trying mtx.  now i am on enbrel; much better.  justin a flre right now.  WELCOME 


Thanks to all the very nice replies.  My reg doc took some blood tests. The other day and he said we will look for a good RA that we both can work with. I took that he was just as peeved at the old one as I was but he only said, " maybe he was being conservative".

Well thanks again for all the replies and the welcomes.


Sounds like you have a great regular doc!


More folic acid, and loucovorin Fiona mentioned helped me some with mtx. I still ended up quitting it. Arava works for me without all that hassle.

Still I might need to try mtx again and if so I'll try the injectible form of it since most of my trouble was in the 'gut'.

Good luck with new rhuemy. 

Welcome CJ, I was diagnosed with RA in July last year and startd on MTX and Mobic, I am now on only 1 7.5mg Mobic each night with 1 Folic acid a week,  and take the MTX at NIGHT to avoid nausea. 

I take 5 MTX a week and am well controlled now and dont get diarrhoea or need any more pain meds.  All I get is the damn fatigue, and sometimes blurry vision, but I think if you can stick it out, and hopefully your doc will get you a better RA, you will be fine.

Good luck and welcome
