Hey WILL @ JOINT HEAT | Arthritis Information


Just thought I'd ask how YOU are doing?  You've had some health issue's too lately.  We spoke (typed) just before you were going to the hospital.

I do have an idea for you.  Could you make a cold pack version of what you sell?  Contrast therapy is great for me and since I've had more and more shoulder involvement; I've come to realized just how hard it is to get something the right shape to cover the area.  How about your joint heat that opens and you can switch hot and cold packs!  THAT would be awesome!

Hey, thanks for reporting him to the police too.


Hey Girlfriend!!

Hey Will; That's an awesome idea! I was checking out your website today myself and think those things look awesome!! Thing is; I still work full time in an office. It's not real formal around there and I have a private office; so I spend a lot of time with my knees covered; or my shoes off. I can't really be lock into a outlet all the time though.

I was thinking that those hot and cold pack inserts would be a good idea. I have these really big reuseable hot and cold packs that go in this portable casserole dish thing I have. Something that you could either heat up in the microwave or chill in the frig. Something Moble would be ideal!!

If you use my idea make sure to send me some freebies to try. I'd love to be the first to test this product.

I hope you're doing well also. Thanks again for your help with our scam artist!


Hey Will!

Where are you?

maybe we should send him a PM.....I kind of like my idea. Curious what he thinks about it.

Hi, Trixie/Lovie:

Thanks for your notes and please excuse any typos etc I make because I am not on top of my game.

The surgeon botched the first attempt to remove a big kidney stone a few weeks ago. (hit a 'bleeder' and I almost bit the big one.) I was in the OR for several hours, so there is no telling what went on. I know I felt like I'd been bit by a Sherman tank.

Anyway, this last Tues he 'went in' again, and this time got the darn thing, but, I suppose because of going through two operations in a cpl of weeks, I am having a lot of trouble.

Before being released from the hospital Thur a nurse said she heard something in my chest that she didn't like. Well, it's now hard for me to breath and it burns when I enhale deeply.

So, basically, I feel like that damn Sherman backed over me.

Re. the hot/cold therapy:

Because of the layered padding in our units, which are designed to retain the heat, one can apply a cold pack - or even better, a zip lock bag of crushed ice from the frig (put a hand towel under it) - then strap our Pouch on top. The cold will be retained for over an hour... which, of course, is too long (frost bite). Oh yeah. Don't plug it in. :)

You can also get moist heat if you place a wet towel under the unit. As you know, moist heat penetrates more deeply than dry heat.

With all that said... one of our board members - a nuclear physicist, Sandia Lab guy - is working on a process that will allow us to offer a unit that one can simply turn a switch to produce COLD, or turn it the other way and produce HEAT. Pretty exciting stuff, huh.

Gotta rest.

THANK YOU again for caring.

That's the best therapy around,



So sorry to hear of your problems. I hope you will soon be on the road to recovery!

I like the product and am seriously considering ordering. I like the ideas for the new product. Awesome!

Get well soon!

Hey Will - for your own peace of mind and just in case, you might want to review your hospital medical record when you are feeling up to it. This is your right in all states, and there should be no charge. If you want a copy they can charge a fee for that.  Just an idea.

Will, I'm so sorry you are feeling bad.  So now are they thinking you've got an infection in your lungs?  Best to rest as much as you possibly can.  You've had a toll taken on your body with surgeries.  Rest, rest, rest!

Exciting news on what you are working on!


I am so sorry that you are having a bad time of it Will.  You will be put in my thoughts and prayers.

Felines... : Thanks for the advice re surgical records, and it is tempting; however, I am sorry to say that those who do this get red flagged, and are henceforth treaated with 'one raised eyebrow'. (I actually wrote a medical book - for women - about this sort of thing several years ago. Even worked in the OR back in the 60s. So I KNOW what can happen.)

Trixie: Thanks again. You guys are super. I've thought about it a bit, and I think the deal is that you folks have had SO MUCH darn pain in your life that it causes you to empathize with others who have pain. And thanks for reminding me that the 2 surveries have taken a toll on the 'old' body.

Thanks, Bonny: I do believe in prayer. If it were not for Him, I would be dead... but I don't wanna start a prayer meeting or anything. :) Got a feeling some folks wouldn't approve. :)

Nite, Nite,

and thanks again.


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