Kathleen Turner an AP Hypocrite? | Arthritis Information


The other day I read an article where Kathleen Turner talked about her RA and I thought, "Oh that's interesting". Now today I read this thread on another chat board in which it was revealed that Kathleen Turner was on AP therapy, but is now a paid spokesperson for Enbrel (she still takes minocin, btw)! I don't know what her story is but I keep hearing more and more stories about how people like doctor's spouses and senators and the like all use AP Therapy for their RA, so why do our doctors shun it? Something is smelling fishy in Denmark here.

PS. This chat board is kind of different in that the first posts are on the bottom and the closer they are to the top the newer they are. Sort of backwards to what you might be used to. So you have to go to the end of the last page to read the first post.
Gimpy-a-gogo39109.8359490741There has been a lot of interesting threads on AP, and by the tone of things I'd swear there wasn't any RD prescribing it, only the expensive stuff.  Both my sister and I have RA and we live 1500 miles apart. Both of our RDs started us out on AP idependently.  Maybe we're the exception, not the rule.  I'm sure that AP works for some, but it wasn't overly helpful to me. It seems to have helped my sister.  If we all knew that AP worked not only on RA but SLE  rheumatologists and the pharmaceutical companies would be out of work.  At the very least a rheumy would not get a patient for life for every RA/SLE diagnosis.  It is a travesty!  Enbrel costs something like 00 per month and Minocin is maybe 0.  The math is easy to do.Found this link regarding her today http://www.nydailynews.com/front/story/365174p-310893c.html.

That article was from 2001.  In a 2002 interview with Arthritis Today she said she was on ap, enbrel and celebrex.  How is she a hypocrite..where is it written that if you are on ap you can't be on anything else.  She hasn't denied being on AP therapy but obviously it wasn't enough to control her disease in and of itself so enbrel was added.

Is she a hypocrite because she is a spokesperson for a medication she takes?  Maybe she doesn't endorse AP because it didn't stop her from flaring.

Unless or until you know what is someones motivations for doing something it is really uncalled for to call them a hypocrite

the  fact  enbrel  is  so  expensive is   sad.

another  thing  that  sucks  is   from  what  I  read,  it  stops  working...   be  nice  if  they could  invent  one  that would  work  for  I  dont  know  20  years  maybe?




If we all knew that AP worked not only on RA but SLE  rheumatologists
and the pharmaceutical companies would be out of work.  At the very
least a rheumy would not get a patient for life for every RA/SLE
diagnosis.  It is a travesty!  Enbrel costs something like 00 per month
and Minocin is maybe 0.  The math is easy to do.[/QUOTE]

Bonny, I absolutely agree with you. And this not only is true for RA, but
alot of other diseases out there. I mean, if there is a cure, they are not
going to share it, they are making too dang much money off us. I see
patients on 30 different medications to treat an illness. I have to wonder
how much of their illness if from all the medication they are on. I see
what I see and I don't like what I see. I have been reading on the AP
therapy and am going to ask my RD about it. I'm also looking into other
alternative therapies and working on diet and exercise. I feel that the RA
treatments are a trap you get into and can't get out of. I know I'm going
to offend some people by this post because I know people are very sold
on the meds they are on but I strongly advise everyone to read indepth,
on every med you are offered. Also, leave to door open to other options
out there besides medicine. There are more ways to tackle this than
meds alone. lorster, I am not opposed to AP therapy as I may consider it for myself. I just have so many things going on that I don't want to consider it until after my surgeries. But I find the information and the results some of you are getting fascinating and amazing. Obviously, it is working for some people. The medicines certainly have caused me some severe side effects.

Bonny is so right -

I find it appalling that Minocin has gone up in price something like 350% in the first 6 months of 2006 alone.  Who said they a smelling something fishy here?  Could it be the results they are getting in the Parkinson's, ALS, and MS trials?  I just got a bill from my insurance company.  I now have to order my Mino by mail or I have to pay 0 out of pocket.  Hmmmm.  Thank God I saw what was happening and started stock piling the drug.  Otherwise, I'd be out of it for 10 days - enough to start a flair.

Got to run - still packing and storing stuff and late for church!


Is minocin something that you take for the rest of your life? I'm just starting
to do some reading on this and I'm also wondering what percentage of
people are having success. I really wonder about the long term effects of all
these DMARDS and biologics that are being consumed by us. Just
wondering so many things about this crap disease.

Maybe this link would be of some help:


Also this link has great info on AP.


Hey Everybody!

Justoday!  Wow - you and your sister ARE the exception to the rule.  Most doc's try everything EXCEPT AP.  Couple of questions if you don't mind.  Did your sister's and your's doc explain AP and about the herxing and stuff?  Did you feel you were prepared for the 'experience'?  Are you still on AP or did you quit?

Buckeye - The problem with Kathleen Turner is IF she took a multimillion dollar endorsement package from Big Pharma in exchange for endorsing Enbrel.  Up until that point she gave all the credit to AP.  Did AP fail?  Or did her tune change when given a residual check?  THAT is the question.   She got 'busted' by a reporter for being involved with that talk show that was supposedly spur of the moment chat but was in reality a front for advertising. The fact that both the show and Turner got paid - that made me very, very, very uncomfortable - and not because of the RA issue - but because my 'hero' is Ed Murrow and the man would have turn over in his grave seeing the depth 'news' has fallen in this country.  That reporter highlit the fact that Big Pharma was involved in passing off paid spokespeople as 'just regular folks with a disease of the week".  I think that when the scandel was done at least 3 shows promised to 'never do that again'.  Yeah, right - if the check is big enough, we know they'll relax the rules again if they think they will get away with it.  As far as I can tell, Kathleen has never apologized for her part in that. 

Also, the incredibly rich and famous have access to docs that we the little guy do not.  I believe that there are are other famous people on AP but they're not advertising it.  IF AP started to fail KT, my guess is that Dr. Trentham, who is one of the top AP dogs, and would be up on the latest research, would have started her on another ABX protocol - because it's better to be a co-doc on fixing somebody famous than to be known as the guy who failed.  And KT, by most accounts, would be the type to name names.  Just my take on the situation.

Deanna - my Mom just had her knee replaced and they made her get off all her meds for 14 days before the surgery.  Not sure what you're having done - but on the off chance they make you do the same thing...and since you might, sort of, kinda be thinking about AP...if you've nothing to lose - you might think of starting right after.  And...if you're getting surgery...and notice and are a little VOCAL about ANY redness you might see...and keep demanding ABX to deal with that starting infection...you might just get a jump start on AP if you handle it right.  LOL.  My mom is doing that.  LOL.  Just trying to avoid a herx, or at least lessen it, when she gets on the Mino.  I had the nurses in there checking her incision multiple times.  When it got a little red I started mentioning that the number one problem in hospitals are staff infections and both my bro and I developed staff infections in that same hospital...and son of a gun if they didn't note the chart and start talking about preventative measure with a family history of staff infections.  LOL  Too bad the history is true tho. 

Lorster - yep, you should consider you'll be on ABX for life.  I think there are ways off the ABX, and your mentioning about diet, exercise, and alternative therapies put you in that camp.  But, please, don't think 3 years and you're done.  It is a long, careful climb to a 'cure'.  You can 'usually' get a pain-free remission within 2 years. 

Somebody, I wish I remember who as it was so cool, said I was the 'poster child for AP'.  I am.  I am having an incredibly easy time of it, and am pretty much 'back to normal' and it's only been 5 months.  Most people DO NOT react like I did to AP.  It can be a heck of a struggle.  I think the reason I am doing so well as I was just diagnosed and I had not been on any immune suppressants and my RF factors were sky high signalling my doc that my body was fighting like heck to beat this thing.  You mentioned you were going to talk to you rheumy about AP - Bonny gave you the web address of the Road Back.  Read it everyday...there I learned about diet modifications that could help me, natural remedies I will be using later, etc, but most importantly, I learned how to counter any objections my rheumy gave me.  They have studies you can print out and take to the doc etc.  I think they saved my life because when my PRA hit it hit hard and ugly.  I NEVER want to feel that again.

Alan - if you're reading this...I know I still haven't responded and I am not avoiding you.  I have been packing and moving all weekend.  If you would have told me in September that I would be able to pack and lift heavy boxes, carry them to what seems like hell and back, in SNOW, and only be achy - and not PRA achy but 'good God, what happened to my muscles, I USED to have muscle' achy I never would have believed it.  So, now I need to go to bed...and I'll answer you tomorrow.


Pip, I'm not sure what my sister's RD said to her, but my doctor said very little about herxing.  He did follow up several times over the first few weeks to see how I was doing (another exception to the rule). I didn't have any problems with the meds except for a little woosiness during the initial week.  I'm still on it, but I had to add more goodies because I continued to have troubles.  My sister's RA is less aggressive (she thinks) and AP is her only med.

Wow, another exception!  Might I ask - what did you add and are you trying to wean off the traditionals?  My PRA was VERY aggressive and it's almost totally controlled now.  Just a little achy now but that might be from overdoing it for the move.  Also, have you been to the roadback?  What do you think about them?  When I first started going there I thought they were speaking Greek.  LOL.  But it all started to make sense after a bit.


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