Prednisone side affects | Arthritis Information


Hi everyone.....was diagnosed June 2006 but had to wait until September for Rheumy doc appointment. Suffered all summer with swelling and numbness in hands and wrists and severe fatigue.  Told I had mild RA and he put me on 10 mg prednisone.  Was doing fine until about a month ago when I would get dizzy when I stand up and ears go numb and sounds are muffled.  This happens at work alot. It goes away in about 5 min or until I sit down. Also lately I've been feeling kind of sick when I go to bed or off and on during the day.  My RA symtons are under control with mild discomfort now and then.  Could this be the prednisone doing this or maybe my neck needs adjusted again.  Afraid to go to chiropractor again as don't know if he'll do any damage cracking me.  I read posts all the time and hope all you wonderful people can give me some advice here.  Thanks so much. 

Well Welcome Paula. Glad you've come out of lurking mode; but real sorry to hear of your problems.

Did your doctor prescribe anything other than predisone for your RA? If not you need to start on a DMARD theropy right away. This is a disease modifying agent that will slow the progression of RA and hopefully prevent future joint damage.

I'm not sure if the predisone could be causing your dizziness or not. I'd question your doctor about it and please question him/her about a long term course of action for your RA. Predisone feels like a wonder drug in the beginning....but it should NOT be used long term.

We have a new member here that has been on predisone for 14 years straight. She'd now dealing with some horrible problems that you do not want! It can cause a long list of problems when over used.

Good Luck to you.....and I hope we hear from you more often.

Thanks Lovie.  I intend to call Rheumy tomorrow about these problems.  Was just wondering if anyone else has had any of these side affects with the prednisone.  My next appointment isn't until June.  Will have to suffer it out I guess. 

Call your RD and either speak to him or got to see him.  I'm not really understanding why just the prednisone.  But maybe he has his reasons? (I'd ask him why)  Prednisone can cause all kinds of side effects.  I'd definately get this checked out.  Even going to your GP for a good once over.  Prednisone can cause everything from cataracs to heart issues.  And I'm not trying to scare you but go get some answers, ok?


Have never heard of it causing ear problems. Agree with all the above including welcoming you here.

However, I find the ear problem concerning and it needs to be addressed as other health problems could be occurring. You do need to return to your Rheumy for a more definitvie treatment plane. But I also think it is really important to check out the problems with your ears. This sounds more like a problem for a Ear/Nose/Throat specialist or could be a far reaching as needing an evaluation by a neurologist. It could be as simple as having an ear infection that the symptoms are being suppressed by the Prednisone. Definitely see your primary right away.

Welcome Paula and they have already given you the best advice so I won't do a repeat.  I hope that you get things straightened out.Hi Paula. That does not sound like a side effect from Prednisone. I know a
virus hit our area a few months ago and had many had bad dizziness from
it. My husband got it and it took 3 months to get over. But yours almost
sounds like your BP is dropping and you are getting symptoms close to
those prior to someone passing out. Do you have your BP checked
regularly? Are you on BP medication? I am also surprised that you have a
rheumy that diagnosed you with RA and didn't get you started on a DMARD.
Did the rheumy do blood work for RA? Did he test you for anything else?
Some of these doctors hand out prednisone like it is candy and they don't
give thought to the long term effects on us. I refused it and am glad I did.
It is beneficial for many but needs to be monitored. Did he also tell you not
to go off this med cold turkey? It needs to be tapered especially since you
have been on it this long. Please keep us posted.I agree Lorster, that sounds a lot like a blood pressue issue, or possibly even anemia.  Either of those could explain the dizzyness, and fatigue as well.

Ya need to get it check out and get yourself feeling better!  Keep us posted!
Will definitely have this problem checked out.  Yes I am on 50 mg of Atenolol for high blood pressure (about 6 years).  Was on anti-inflam drugs all lasts summer from GP until I got my appointment with Rheumy but nothing helped. Blood tests confirmed RA.  He only put me on the predisone at this time as he felt I didn't need anything else yet since  it took swelling down to normal and pain and numbness subsided. Thanks for all your advice and hope I didn't sound like a whiny baby but it was a concern and I knew all you good people would give me some answers.  Thanks and God Bless.