Are we grumpy? | Arthritis Information


I was wondering if maybe a lot of us might be grumpier than normally. We seem to be getting on each others nerves. Maybe it is the weather or other things. Or, maybe it's just living in all this pain. What do you think?I know us northerners tend to suffer from SAD(seasonal affective disorder) during the cold, dreary winter months.  So, maybe it is the weather.  I have noticed that people on here are rather edgy lately too. 

I'm grumpy


Negativity breeds more negativity, maybe we can overcome this, by not buying into it (not always easy - I know). Maybe a vote that we just give those nasty posters a big "thumbs down", (or maybe  even "a finger up" - oops that's not very nice) and no other response.  That way, the "victim" will still know that the support is there on the boards, and we could PM our personal support.

 But maybe this is negative in itself, I dunno - what do you think??


I don't think I'm grumpy. But that's just me. Heheh I don't think anyone else is necessarily grumpy either. This board just kind of waxes and wanes with the hostility. I think that's to be expected, all thing considered. Am I making any sense? My meds are kicking in and I can't keep my train of thought on one so I'll end that there..

I pretty much agree with Katie. I don't think most of us are necessarily grumpy. Just once in a while someone says something that will bring out a bit of hostility in some of us.

I do think it's probably that we live in pain and maybe our meds will make us go overboard occasionally, or whatever. I know the gloomy weather tends to make me feel a bit down, too. So, I agree with Deanna, too. I don't think everyone gets on each others nerves, though, do you? Just a few, sometimes.

As a rule, though, I think most of us are still here for each other when we need someone. I sure hope so anyway.



Who are you calling *(&^+%$ Grumpy????   I'm just as blinkity blink mellow as I've always been!!!!    

Sorry, I just had to. . .

Hillhoney, you are so funny. Now, that certainly cheered me up.LOL karen. Only you.........
Hillhoney - You Are The Gitchiest!
I think the pain & fatigue must make us all grumpy at times.   I think generally we are a very tolerant group here & very caring & supportive.   I do get irritable & it was a standing joke with my dr - I would say does RA affect your brain & he would say most definitely. I could never figure out if that was personally directed at me or scientific knowledge.   We get RA in our neck,
jaw etc & it affects our internal organs so it seems to me it would also cause inflamation of the brain.   Does anyone know if this is possible?   That's my excuse anyway!Do you think that being Grumpy is just another emotion that we can control?  Another mind over matter emotion?   HMMMMMMMMMM -  I love this crew.  I must just be naive

Doesn't have to be a housework goal either - might be a phone call I don't want to make, or anything else I might have been putting off "till I felt better".  Or even something I just really, really want to do.

And if I can't - I'll just sit down with a good book (if I can hold it)

Am I nuts - or am I nuts!!!

I just wish I would not have let hubby talk me into going places with him when I first started my pred dose pak. Now I just sit here staring at what all I need to get straightened up and cleaned. I have been stocking up on cleaning supplies for when I do FINALLY get around to cleaning my house really good. I bought most of it at the dollar tree where everything is a dollar. I had to buy a new mop! I hate it when I have to use a mop more than twice... just makes me feel like my floors are not clean. I also hate to use the same water while mopping. I will fill a bucket up with water and cleaning solution and no double dipping the dirty mop into it. I go to the bathtub and rinse the mop out and swish it around in bleach water, and then I go back to the bucket and dip the mop and continue to mop the floor for a few more feet and repeat.

Then I have to clean the tub, because it is dirty from where I rinsed the mop out in it so many times. and I cannot just clean the tub, I have to clean the whole bathroom.

I see it this way about me cleaning the house... why do it half assed, which hubby does... when I can go for the gold and have it nice, clean, and sterile?

Yeah, I will try to clean my house soon. and purge a lot of crap out of the house. I am just fed up with toys, clothes and junk throughout the house. I just want to stay in my room and not look at the mess. Makes me feel like I need to clean even when I know I cannot clean.

Did I mention I am a recovering germ-a-phobe?

Anyways... I was not grumpy the beginning of the week aka the first 2 days I took my pred dose pak. I was actually in a good mood and felt happy, and alive! That is why I did not post for 2 days, was busy being able to be busy

I am not so much as grumpy as I am feeling a little down or feeling like I am just not going forward with controlling my RA. I would love to be preggo again. I mean I was happy, not in much pain, could clean house, and walk semi-right and was able to do things I cannot do now or just do not want to do because of fear it will hurt me like it did the last time I done that certain task.

Oh and I am obsessed with this color Dark Teal or a color along that line. I had a shirt I bought 6 months ago about that color and it got messed up and I LOVED that shirt and only wore it like 2 times before it some how got a hole in it.

I guess I am done rambling on and on... I have more if ya'll care to hear it

BUT I AM SO THRILLED! My nephew and his wife are pregnant again! Gabe will be a big brother! **doin the happy dance** California here my sis and I come! I just cannot wait, I am so excited!

Gabe is with an agent now also for commercials so any appts. he has we will take him to. Oh it will be so much fun...... A new baby!!!!!!

And yep, we got a whoel bunch of snow this weekend and it has been gloomy but the sun has finally peaked out. It is just plain COLD!!!  *brrrr*

How do you  Canada people manage the cold anyway?? * freezing in Michigan!*


Here are hugs to everyone and congrats on accomplishments, dreams and joys.

Looks like we are not such a grumpy bunch after all. But this has turned into a wonderful thread.

OK.....IF we are grumpy that can be good sometimes. It means we still have some fight in us and we are still alive and kicking.

When I am grumpy, I get a burst of energy and man can I clean! lol

Just don't hold on to that grumpyness too long or take it out on the wrong person. GRRRRRRR
" My Cure for the Grumpies " - We are lucky enough to have three of our seven grandchildren living just two blocks from our home. As with so many young families mom and dad both work and the grandmas alternate watching the little ones. Well, darling daughter from time to time still needs some down time to get extra things taken care of around the house, sleep, etc.  She knows she can call and ask me to watch the little ones most anytime and when you look into those angelic faces { It's Just Not Possible To Be Grumpy }.  Take Care
Fiona, sorry you are back in flare land with freezing weather and no husband to boot. You are officially allowed to GRUMP! Hope you feel better soon. Deanna39111.7546064815