Arthritis Information -New to this site


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I'm new here.  Female - age 41 & diagnosed RA Sept. 2006.  Was hoping I had Lyme's Disease.  Funny, the Lyme's Disease folks probably were hoping they had RA!  Enjoyed reading the posts.  I'm happy so far with my doc, I take oral MTX and folic acid.  I'm blessed to have an iron stomach.  The MTX, one knee draining, two temporary rounds of oral steriods have brought me from pain of about a 9 to about a 5.  Knee and wrist seem to hurt all the time, but not excruciating.  I'm trying to walk and work my way through it.  I don't want to take anymore meds than necessary.  Hate what they do to my liver.  htlm200039111.7210763889