Arthritis Information -~flying in~


Hi Whisper

Welcome to our world

see you there

I go to several forums and figured, I needed a place, to rant, vent, discuss, share, help and understand this RA. I've had it for over a yr and a half now. I'm on predinose and Methratraxate and soon to go on

to Humira.... kinda scared.. its really hard, to know which drug is right for you and i'm not that trusting of Dr's.

I'm also bipolar, and partially deaf , after I got the RA diagnoses, i told

God that 3 was enough! lol

I'm going to post Spoons, someone was saying their husband didn't understand, it might have been posted before, but ... too tired, to find if already posted.

I've been on disability a long time now, for the manic-depression and I'm also a huge freebie junkie!! lol.. I've gotten way over 300 dollars of free stuff and if don't remember the rules, if I can post or share.. but if interested, let me know!.. thats how i spend some of my time, btwn naps! LOL... i love getting free stuff and great deals on the net.

I find its my way of giving back, shrug..looking forward to meeting you all.

Blessings Whispered~

