Approved for VA | Arthritis Information


Well, I finally got approved for VA health benefits, I am in priority group 5, now I just have to go down to the local VA office and get my ID card.  Finally a bit of a bright spot.

My brother called me today and was asking about my RA, he said that when he had RA (he was in his 20's and it went into remission) he did have feet/ankle problems, but never constant pain that never went away.  I suppose to see my RA doc on Friday, but more than likely will be there for 15 minutes and he will not tell me anything.


Good for you on the VA.

Tell that doc you need a little more time and have your list of questions written out.

I actually hand my primary care my list! If I don't hand her one she always says 'where's your list?' I like her - she doesn't dilly dally and is all business mostly but she always goes through my list with care. She is compassionate when I'm miserable.

I so glad to hear you've made some progress. It has been a really long haul for you.

And, I use a list. Had one ready today. It made it simple for both the doc and me.

Great news Phil!  lol

 WOW....I thought i was the only one anal enough to make a

 Its a great "go-between"  , usually when i get to the doctor's... I have forgotten mostly about what I REALLY wanted to say.... a list made during the days prior to your appt...can be beneficial,

 My doc's Ukrainian, the last question on my last list was...

 "When is the next time your having cabbage rolls... and may I come for  dinner...?"
 He snickered for a half a minute... Hi Phil, My hubby receives his benefits from the VA.  It's a good deal and he likes the Doc's and that is another plus.  Wishing you the best.

Hello once you are eligible to use the VA you can also use their website to track many of your health issues. You can track meds both prescribed and OTC, blood pressure, and the big one for me is the pain log there are more but I dont use them. Then when its time for an appt I just print up the last three months and take it with me. My Doc's like it and somtimes they add it to my medical record. If you are in the VA system go here to sign up.

Hi Phil.  CONGRATULATIONS.  I must say - I would noy have wanted too hear your brother saying how it didn't hurt HIM so bad.  I hope you get the best possible care.  Welcome Bumque.  Now you have to stick aroundVeteran's Administration - benefits for military veterans. shucks