Switching to Humira | Arthritis Information


I have talked about switching from remicade to humira for almost a year now. I've been on it 5 years and it just doesn't work like it did once upon a time.

I have talked to my rhuemy more than once about changing. He has always dragged his feet. He has told me my blood work is 'normal', and that remicade is doing it's job. He was not really hearing me say 'Hey this is not so hot any more, I'm hurting'.

So today I had an appt and brought my husband with. I let DH and the doc have a good talk about how much ground I'd lost in the last 3 years. How much more pain I have, etc

To make a long story short, I told the doc that I'm sick of coming in for remicade infusions every 8 weeks for the last 5 years. And that I just plain did not want to do it any more. I asked for a script for humira. AND THIS TIME I GOT IT!!!

My doc also convinced me to start taking my ultram 3 times a day instead of twice, to take it more like an nsaid rather than as needed,ie don't let it wear off and let the pain start up again. So I'm going to give that a try.

It may not work better but it will be more convenient. If it does not work at all my doc said that I could go back to remicade - other patients had, and it worked fine, even the 4th time around for 1 lady.

So here's to hope that it works better.


YEAH!!! I'm excited for you! I think this is going to be so much easier for you.....and heck; what do ya got to loose right?

When do you start?

As soon as I can jump through the hoops at my mail pharmacy. I hope within 10 days.

You know my song and dance about remicade, right? Okay I won't repeat it unless you ask.



Yay I'm happy for you!! :)

Please repeat the remicade song! I must have missed it.

Good luck with the Humira Marian! I hope it works for you!

God bless


LoL just about how remicade and humira are essentially the same thing - but remicade was the first, and therefor just not as up to date, and people constantly develop an immunity to it. humira is one step up and doesn't allow you to develop and immunity. so if remicade was working so well for you, i have high hopes that the humira will be like CANDY. Yay!

Marian, my route started with MTX, then Arava, then Enbrel, then Humira and now Remicade.  Today I take Arava once a day and Remicade every 6 weeks (I just had my 3rd infusion).

My experience with Humira and Enbrel was heavy nausea.  At times so bad that I didn't feel comfortable driving.  Literally a terrible feeling as even watching TV would aggitate the nausea.  My joint pain was reduced somewhat but nothing of significant relief.  My Cleveland Clinic Rheumatologist advised my Michigan Rheumatologist to try to ride out the Humira because some of her patients either got used to it or it subsided with future doses.  Unfortunately, no such luck with me but I did make sure I gave it a shot (i.e. don't give up on it too early)

I graduated to Remicade about 6 weeks ago.  I've only had 3 infusions but no significant nausea for now.  A little, but not much.  I am experiencing "flu like" symptoms that are getting worse and worse with each infusion.  It took over a week to get over the last infusion.  The joint pain and swelling is reduced fairly well in my major joints (knees, hips, shoulders) but the pain in my small joints (elbows, wrists and hands) hasn't improved as much.  Plus, I am now experiencing pain/soreness in my forearms, calves and thighs??  Pain in my tendons and muscles didn't exist that much before I took Remicade.

I have an appointment with my Michigan Rheummy tomorrow and will mention this to her.  I also am following up with my cleveland Clinic Rheummy next week and I am going to ask her what sort of treatments are left that I haven't tried as I seem to be impervious to all previous treatments.  This is really starting to get scary as my diseases (Scleroderma and RA) keep progressing and progressing.  I have been out of work for almost a year.

In any event, I sincerely wish you luck with the Humira.  I just wanted to pass along my personal experience with it (little pain/swelling relief but some strong nausea).  Humira definitely worked better than Enbrel.  I suppose I might consider using Humira in the future and just try to deal with the nausea because it did provide the best pain/swelling joint relief other than Remicade.

Take care



marian, I'm glad you get to try something else and one a victory with your doctor. They can be so stubborn. You know that make a lot of money off those Remicade infusions. I hope this works well for you.

And Katie, I didn't know that about Humira. It was worth the repeat.

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