getting nervous | Arthritis Information


I am getting really nervous. Getting my butt work done tomorrow. LOL My cyst on my tailbone removed and left open to drain & heal for 6 weeks or so.

I am sick to my stomach just thinking of it! I go at 7:45 am in morning. I am worried about infection and such cuz of all the drugs I have taken for RA. I won't be online for awhile after cuz I will be hurting for certain!

So help a sister out, and give me some moral support. Could really use some good vibes right now.



Hi Cindee....

 I have had the exact same thing ...about 12 yrs ago....although it is painful...
 One good thing that may come out of it feels better  to lie on your stomach...or frontside.... this may be good for stretching purposes :)

 Always look for the silverlining!
 Good Luck !...and keep the area clean clean clean!!!

I was just thinking about your sugery last night. I wondered if you were getting nervous. No doubt that's normal.

I wish you a speedy recovery. Try to send a quick "I'm ok" message when you can manage it. We'll be worried.

I'll keep you in my prayers. Good Luck.

CinDee, good luck! I'd be nervous, too  My Kelsey had it done and she said it was such a relief !!!!!  Hers has not come back.  Make sure they give you something for pain and then can't you put your puter on the floor, you lay on your belly in front of it and keep posting

And, remember,  you wouldn't be NORMAL if you weren't worried!


Sending good vibes your way...good luck tomorrow, Cindee!

I will try to update after.

Thanks again for all your kindness!


I expect you will be glad you had it removed, pretty quick it should hurt less than it does now. Remind your surgeon of your immunsuppressant meds, but I expect you will be given antibiotics anyway. It doesn't hurt anything to let the doc know you are afraid of infection.

Best Wishes. I expect you will look back on this time and realise that the fear before a procedure is more painful than the pain after.


CinDee, Good Thoughts are coming your way. And may your heal quickly!

Hugs & Blessings,



Good Luck, CinDee, it'll be over before you know it. You have a strong will - you'll get through it well!



Best of luck Cindee - I think I mentioned I had it done some years ago & had no pain at all but it was very painful before the op so hope it works out the same for you.   Think RA pain is as painful at times as it gets so it will be nowhere as bad as that & then it will be completely painfree. It will all be over before you know it.
Good luck.

You'll do fine Cindee.  I've never had any problem since I had mine done and even once the op is done you will find that after a couple of days or so the pain will be MUCH less.  Trust me the embarASSment factor is worse than the pain.


CinnDee, Good luck on your surgery we will say a prayer for you. Joan CinDee good luck and you will be in my prayers.