more scripts | Arthritis Information


my   pcp   wrote  me  for  4  more  months  of  minocin.  I  will have  to  ask him  each  time  but  as  long as my  gut  is  ok  I  think  he will let me  stay  on it.


That's great, Mark!  How long have you been on it and how are you feeling?  Pat

I  am  about  to  finish  month  2   and    I  do feel  better  than before  I  still  get  pain  here  and  there  which  bothers  me  but  its  far less  than in the  past.

from  what  I  read  people  stay on it  for  a  year   some  have  been on it  for  10...  I hope  I  can  experience  what  some  others  have  and    be  able  to  almost  forget   arthritis  is  there... that would  be  great!!!!!!


So glad for you!  I have been on it for almost 3 months and have seen some improvement in hand and wrist pain. I will probably be on it for a really long time, since I have had  scleroderma for 10 yrs and Raynaud's for 25 yrs, with the recent development of an RA overlap (lucky me, why can't I just win the lottery or something?)  I don't mind the prospect of taking it long-term since the side effects are minimal, it is inexpensive compared to other RA drugs and it seems to be working!    Cheers, Pat

I am so happy for both of you!  I am in my 5th month but like they said it could take a year or more and you two give me hope!

May I ask how many mg's per day you both are taking?

Hi Bonny!  I always enjoy your posts - you have such a positive attitude which I need more of.  I also think of you when I start to complain about the cold winter weather here in Illinois, can't begin to imagine your winter, though I bet it is beautiful!  My Raynaud's would probably keep me housebound.  Anyway, I usually take 200mg daily, sometimes switch to pulsing 200mg MWF when I read or hear that is better for bug-killing.  Will ask my rheumy when I see him next month, his script was for the daily 200mg dose. He also started me on doxy rather than mino - I was just so happy to get it (it was my first visit to him) that I didn't question it. I will also be asking about mino at my next visit - my list of questions is getting longer every day! 

Hang in there - Spring is coming!    Pat

HI Mark and Felines4Ever!
Are either of you on any other drugs besides the AP?
Hi!  No, just AP for me for the scleroderma. I have never taken pred, Mtx, Plaq or anything stronger.  The scleroderma was really not too big a problem until last year when I developed early lung involvement. That is when I discovered AP and decided it was the best way to go. Recently I seem to have some RA overlap symptoms, won't know until my next rheumy visit what may be recommended for that, but I will probably refuse anything else. The AP should eventually take care of both.  The RA is sure painful, though, as I'm sure you all know much better than me.   Take care,  Pat 

Thanks Pat for the nice post and I know that spring will show up someday.  I am on 50mg per day and going to raise it to 100mg soon.  I had major trouble with herxing so am taking it slowly.

Gimpy I am on MTX 20mg and going to start Enbrel as soon as it comes in.  I swell too much and have erosion and bone thinning so needed to slow down the RA.  When the AP kicks in I can wean off of the RA meds.  Prednisone leaches calcium so Dr won't put me on it with bone thinning.

hi  I  take  200 mg  per  day.  Nope  no other  drugs  except  some  herbals  cas  my   RD   said   right now  he  see's  no  sign  of  RA  so he  could  not  justify  being on a  strong  medicine  and  he  said  they treat  aggressive   I  mean  them  not  finding  RA  is  good  and  bad  because  they have  no idea   what Is  going  on  kinda... 

  gotta  love  docs   some  times.

