Fight Arthritis Naturally | Arthritis Information


Get and stick on appropriate herbs, and eat and drink selective natural foods and drinks - that's all so simple. No worry about disease progression and side effects.

My experience of nearly twenty years on natural foods to eradicate arthritis and maintain good health.

I hope the statement does not invite emotional attitudes as it is a fact of my life. I base on main herb, Lingzhi that had been classified as NO. 1 first class herb over 3,000years ago so as in Japan.

My theory is that the natural foods are continuously building up, adjusting and modifying the body system to address all toxic substances of the disease and to discharge them gradually. It is right herbal formula for the disease and lifestyle change.



One can bring in heap of scientific evidences etc. but the bottomline is to get rid of the disease and be well.  

Let's all be cordial, since K has now started that way. If someone is not interested, just move on to another thread and let his comment stand.  Can't argue with his bottom line thought.