Finally Diagnosed!!! | Arthritis Information


Went to the Rheumy yesterday and she said it was RA.  I have to say that it is a relief to finally be dx but I am nervous.  I only know a little about this disease and it's progress.  However, at least now they know and we can begin treatment.  I have been trying for around 7 years for a dx.  Finally my joints were swollen and red instead of just extreme pain.  Somebody believes me now.  It's been a long time coming.  She also said no Fibromyalgia which has been the dx for the last few years.  She said I had NONE of the trigger points.  Go figure. 



Sorry you have RA...but like you say, at least you now know what it is you have and can begin treatment.

What will you be starting on?

Hi Nicki and I am so sorry that it is RA but I do understand finally getting a Dx.  It took me about 8 months to start swelling and turning red but even then I was grateful to know what I was up against.  Knowing gives you the ability to fight.  7 years is a long wait and I am glad that it is now over.Nicki, it's such a tough thing.  One of those damned if you do and damned if you don't situations.  But now you can feel validated and understood.  Seven years is a long time to wait for that.

I hope you can get started soon on a treatment program that really works.  Good luck to you!
Hi!  Since you are just going to be starting treatment, my suggestion would be to check out AP (antibiotic protocol), a treatment many rheumys do not offer to their patients unless the patients demand/request it.  Two good websites to research this are and  It may not be the route you want to take, but I think it is something to be aware of.  Keep us posted on your progress.  All the best, PatThanks for the support.  I don't know at this point what my treatment is going to be.  I go back in for X-Rays in a few weeks but until then I am on DayPro and low dose Prednisone.  She ran blood work to make sure it was not a viral infection but then said she already suspected it to be RA but had to rule out anything viral for my records I guess.

I know you're glad to finally know. Hope to see ya around more.

Good Luck to you.

I know how it feels to be undiagnosed. I've had pain for a year and they keep on telling me nothing is wrong with me. Then again, I haven't even seen a rheummy yet.

I'm sorry you have this horrible disease, but I'm glad you are not in the dark anymore. Good Luck!


Nicki -  Careful - you go to another doctor and they will tell you something else.  It is the nature of the beast.  I am glad you are finally going to get treatment.  They pretty much do a big zero for fibro.  Welcome.
