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Hello everyone,

I'm glad I found this forum. I was diagnosed with RA in '83. My RA was manageable until last Oct when I had a huge flare: pain and swelling in the fingers, wrists, elbows, knees, toes. Everyday things had become very difficult to do... unclenching my fists,getting dressed, holding the phone, needing 2 hands to turn my car key...

The morning of my appointment with my rheumatologist, I woke to find that I couldn't uncross my arms. I started to get a bit panicky... my appointment was in 2 hours... I needed to drive there... and then the tears started to flow. After I laid there feeling sorry for myself,  the rational side of me said "get moving, lady, it's going to be painful, but you need to get to that appointment".  

My rheumatologist checked me from head to toe. She was concerned at how fast the RA had progressed since my last appointment 2 months earlier. Blood work and x-rays were done and now I'm taking 17.5 mg MTX, 7mg prednisone, and  2,000mg Nabumetone, plus 5mg folic acid, vitamin D and calcium supplements.

I also have Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura, commonly referred to as ITP or low platelets, and neuropathic pain in my left index finger and thumb. My rheumatologist checked with  my hematologist to see if the MTX would be safe for me to use. Many DMARDs could lower my platelet count and cause bleeding so we have to be careful about the meds I take.

I've been reading many of the posts and feel that this is a great place to be for support and info.

Welcome aboard and good luck with this treatment


I have ITP too.Hi Judy...welcome!Welcome Judy, MTX is a great medication if you can tolerate it.  Wishing you the best and keep us posted.   Welcome Judy and glad you found us!

Thank you for the lovely warm welcome!

So far, no nausea on MTX and thank goodness, no hair loss. I think I'd pick nausea over bad hair days.

Seriously though, the MTX does bother my stomach & the NSAID's probably adding to it too... my bathroom and I have become close friends.  I've tried taking the meds in the evening with food and my rheumie's upped the folic acid hoping it'll take care of this side effect, but so far nothing's changed. Guess I just have to grin and "bare" it.

The MTX is working, but it's hard to tell how big a difference it's making since I'm still on prednisone. As of today I started the pred taper so I should know in 2 weeks if MTX is doing a good job.

Vicki, it's nice to hear from a fellow ITPer. Are you still being treated and have any of your RA meds affected plt counts? That was a big worry for me since my counts are bouncing all over the place. ARGH! Didn't anyone listen when I said only one problem at a time?!!

Kelly, I love your avatar! 

Thanks again everyone for the warm welcome.










Also wanted to welcome you. That sounds so scary not being able to uncross your arms.

Thanks Deanna.

Yeah, it was a bit frightening and I hope it never happens again.


Hello! I'm kinda new here to and they is a wonderful group of people in here. I'm so sorry you're not feeling well and i hope you find some relief. I can't wait to here from you again!


Nice to hear from you Jessica.

I agree with you! This is a wonderful group! From the short time I've been on this forum, I've found that there is so much support and camaraderie.


I hope the mxt really helps you. I wasnt so lucky with it but so many people on here are having great results.

I hope you feel better soon.

How long were you on MTX before you switched to another med?


I was on it for about 8 months. I came out in a bad rash and had severe sickness and stomach cramps I also did this with leflumanide and sulpasalazine(spelling)? I take Humira now but it hasnt done anything one way or another. I guess it takes time. Give the mtx a good chance though as it can give great results

Good morning


Welcome to the group...just wanted to let you know that although I dont post alot....I am kinda shy and inside myself....you will find a wealth of knowledge and support here...a wonderful group of people.

I was in a clinical trial for orencia and mtx....had to come out after four or five months because mtx  messed with my liver counts big time.

Still trying to find the right answer..

I will include you in my daily prayers for all of us here.  GOD BLESS

Hi Gramma2!  Hope your liver counts are OK now. Many people use milk thistle, an OTC herb for this.  I take it since I am now on AP and it is supposed to have a protective effect.  NAC is also supposed to be good.  Just a thought - our liver is so important.   Best regards, Pat


Wishing you great results from Humira.

Gramma2, so nice to hear from you. I'm sorry to hear that the mtx caused problems. Will you be able to go on orencia alone? Before I started on MTX, I was invited to participate in abatabacept/mtx trial, but decided not to participate... the possible biologic side effects really scared me. I hope I made the right decision. I've been on mtx for almost 10 weeks and so far the side effects are mild.

I hope you'll soon find a treatment that won't affect your lliver.

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