Methotrexate vs. Enbrel??? | Arthritis Information


 Hello, I am 44 years old and was diagnosed with RA 10 years ago.  Swelling and pain in the feet sent me to the dr. and then later to rheumatologist.  I never went back because I did not want to take the meds prescribed.  At that time, I believe it was Indocyn(sp?)...its hard to remember.  I assumed if I could function fine without the meds and just taking advil I would be fine.

9 years later, I broke my foot by just walking barefoot.  Foot dr. was shocked at the condition of my feet and insisted I go back to rheumatologist.  I felt very foolish since my feet had worsened so and he explained how I should have been taking something to slow down the progression.  I have occasional flare ups in wrists and elbows but at this point no erosions seen.  My feet apparently look horrible on xray and he cant believe I function as well as I do.  I have been on Methotrexate for 1 1/2 years now.  I started out taking  5 pills once a week and now I take 7.  I feel better than ever with my pain.  But, my recent xrays show continous progression of the disease as well as my inflamation level in bloodwork as yet to go down.  Dr. wants me to start Enbrel.  I am so scared of this medicine.  Well, actually I am scared of Methotrexate also...I do not want to take any of it.  But, reading side effects of Enbrel has terrified me.  I would like to hear from some of you on Enbrel.  I do not feel like I am 'bad' enough to start this kind of medicine.  I am 44 with children ages 20, 17,11 and 4.  I work full time without any problems.  I do not want to be handicapped by this disease but yet then I do not want to damage my body either with the meds.   Thanks in advance for your help and thoughts.


I've been on MTX for about 16 months now.  I'm currently taking 15mg/week.  Last September, my doctor convinced me to add Enbrel.  At the time, I felt I was doing pretty good on the MTX alone, but my X-rays showed some joint damage in the past year, and I still had some swelling in my ankles, feet, hands, and wrists.

I was pretty scared to start the Enbrel myself (I was also scared when I started MTX).  But, I based my decision on the fact that I knew joint damage was occuring, and joint damage is permanent.  The side effects from the meds are just a possibility (and serious side effects are actually a fairly small possibility--otherwise the med wouldn't be on the market.)  Also, I know that my RD  monitors me closely on the meds, so if something alarming comes up, I could stop the meds.

I'm glad of my decision.  So far I haven't had any side effects from either the MTX or the Enbrel.  Also, I do notice more of an improvement after adding the Enbrel.

Best of luck to you with your decision.  I know how difficult it is.


Hi Sandy. I have been on methotrexate (mtx)  for a year and have tried Enbrel, Humira, and now currently am on Remicade.  For me the Enbrel did cause the side effect of frequent migraines, but I am very prone to migraines and my Rhuematologist was very suprised that I had that effect. We switched to Humira and it just didnt work for me, so now I am on Remicade. I still get migraines that seem to increase in frequency for the first 2 weeks after my infusions.

With the biologics, the side effects are usually like anything else...mild and bothersome and not enough to make you quit taking the medicine. I have spent quite a bit of time in the last year here and at other RA message boards. During that time I would have to say that 99% of the people I have encountered that have taken one  or more of the biologics have had little or no side effects from these drugs. And there are many who have enjoyed benefits from these meds such as decreased ammount and severity of flares, and an improvment in energy. Some people, like me, dont have improvement in symptoms but do show improvment on labs and xrays. And of course there are a few that dont get any improvement at all.

I understand your fears. I was afraid of methotrexate at first and I did have side effects from it for the first few months but they tapered off. I was afraid of the biologics, and now that I may be looking at the newer drugs Rituxin or Orencia, I am afraid again. But you have joint damage. The risks involved are out-weighed by the  benefits. The drugs sound scary when you read about them, but if you go back and read up on almost anything you will find unplesant side effects listed.

It is natural to have a little bit of fear of the unknown...all of us here have gone through it. But you just have to push on, and come back for support. Good luck. I hope that the Enbrel works well for you.


I understand you hesitance; but like the doctor told you after you broke your foot; you've got to slow the progression.

I've had RA for about 13 years. I've been on constant DMARD teatment ever simce. K~there was a short period of time when I "Thought" I didn't need the meds; but boy was I wrong.

Sadly with RA not taking somthing to slow the progression is the worst mistake you could make.

I suggest you give Enbrel a try. I thikn you'll be happy with the results. I took Humira for 2 years and you might want to ask your doctor about it. They injections start out at only onnce every two weeks. That's a lot less than Enbrel; but they have simular results.


My story is similar to yours. I developed arthritis when I was 28. I was in a state of denial as I also did not take the meds I was prescribed by my rheumy and I was a workout maven and felt if I kept myself in good physical condition I would do fine. Fortunately it was only palindromic arthritis at the time and I did not suffer any joint damage. After I gave birth to my first child i developed full blown RA and was in so much pain I had to take the MTX which did help. I, too, was very nervous. I rarely took any medicine and was proud of it! It did help for a while but then last year it didn't seem to be doing the job any more. I was terrified because I know my doc was going to put me on Enbrel, as he had mentioned it before. Enbrel, that drug you have to inject all by yourself and can cause lupus, MS, and sepsis poisoning!

Well, I made the leap, because my Xrays were showing damage and I was noticing that my range of motion was not as good as it once was (I am now 42). I was afraid of how I would feel at 50...60...70...

It has worked wonders. The injecting is no big deal. I can't say I am no longer worried about the side effects. I probably always will as I consider this a relatively new drug with not much history. Every little tingle makes me suspect MS and every sinus infection freaks me out (I once suffered a panic attack when I got a bad cold thinking I was gonna drop dead on the spot-that's how nervous I was-went to the ER has I could not breathe). So far the only side effect I've had has been injection site reactions which I have learned to live with.

I don't think this drug will work for long (I already have some new joint pain in my wrists, but no swelling), but it is so important to stop that joint damage. I am still very active, work fulltime and have two grade school children. You would not know I have RA to look at me.

Help yourself now. That 4 year old is gonna need you for awhile (as well as the others). And after he/she is gone you can start living your life for yourself. And you'll want to be as healthy, and mobile, as possible.I agree with all the above.  Enbrel has helped me to slow the progression.  I had doubts at first, and definitely did not like the idea of an injectable drug.  All those doubts seem to have dissolved away.  There are some possible side effects but they seem to me to be less than the sure side effects from RA.  Remember, with RA it is not so much how you feel and move today, but how you will feel and move in 5 more years. Best wishes.I had an extreme fear of enbrel with my severe RA. I tried everything before finally giving in and getting on this shot. A year of pain, and three deteriorated joints (one requiring a joint replacement) forced me to get on the drug.

Of the three enbrel has been out the longest, so it is the safest in my opinion for patients. (of course, this is just reasoning)

Ignore the commercials. When your watching tv, before the spout of that enbrel may cause XYandZ - change the channel.

I have experimented with various elimination diets based on the infection connection, which was the cause of the gene for RA to be triggered in my body.

Depending how severe your disease is, determines on whats going to happen, iwas at the end of my road, but i expremented in diets, plaquinel, gold shots, and etc before I took enbrel. Enbrel has shot my function level up by atleast 50-70%

I'm probably the "odd man out" hahaha.

I've had RA since I was 4 years old and have been on almost everything under the sun. I was the one who requested it with my doc. He wanted to try one more thing first which was Imuran. All it did was make my hair fall out and give me terrible stomach pains, so when that didn't work I got my wish!

When I researched the Enbrel it was the only Biologic at the time that didn't require adding Mex, which I think Humira doesn't require it now? Regardless I was on Mex in my early 20's and again it did nothing but irritate my stomach, so I did not want to be on it again.

With all that said, I have had extensive joint damage, multiple joint fusions and replacements and for me the Enbrel has been life changing. I can function "normally" with it and don't get any flare ups. I do however have to live with the joint damage done prior hence the "normally" in quotations...LOL.

It sure would be nice if everyone reacted the same to meds but sadly it's trial and error. As someone else mentioned you can find all those harsh side effects on more RA meds and fortunately the occurrences are few and far between. Just remember that when a study takes place they have to mention everything that happened to everyone in that study, sometimes this means adding a "side effect" that may not have been caused by the meds if it happened only once, but they err on the side of caution. I think the death risk occurs if you have been exposed to TB but they will test you for that before you can start this med. In my case being able to function and live almost pain free is worth it. My only side effect is the occasional injection site reaction which is worse when I inject my thigh for some reason!?

Good luck to you!
