what is a full body scan for??? | Arthritis Information


I have to have a full body scan in 4 days,They said they Inject a tracer into your system,wait 4 hrs,then scan whole body head to toe.They said it will show the damage frow degenerative arth.

Are ther side effects???????

(There's a lot of controversy over FB scans on healthy people - you'll have to read through that)





It's not this is it? I think this is still in research, I'm not sure.

"By combining a technique called microcomputed tomography (microCT) – which yields high-resolution, three-dimensional x-ray images – with an x-ray-absorbing contrast agent, researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta have been able to image the distribution of molecules called proteoglycans in the laboratory. The molecules are critical to the proper functioning of cartilage.

"By detecting proteoglycan content and distribution, the technique reveals information about both the thickness and composition of cartilage," says Marc Levenston, Ph.D., associate professor in Georgia Tech’s George W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering. "Both of these are important factors for monitoring the progression and treatment of osteoarthritis."

http://www.niams.nih.gov/ne/highlights/spotlight/2007/oa_ima ging.htm

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