HUMIRA- IM BRAVE | Arthritis Information


I havent had an injection for ages as I have had 2 UTI's and a sinus infection all on top of of each other. Well im finally finished all antibiotics and had my Humira injection tonight. I really didnt want to have it, I had all these horrid thoughts going through my head that I was going to swell up and stop breathing ( i am itching a bit)

I actually feel ok at the moment, no site rash but it hurt like hell when i injected it. I left it out for 20 mins but it didnt seem to help.This is the first time its ever stung like that.

I couldnt push the plunger so my husband had a go maybe thats why it hurt so bad


Still well worth it. You might want to switch to the quick inject pens. If you're having trouble pushing them in they might be easier to self-inject.

Why are you afraid you're going to swell up and stop breathing?

Good luck pin cushion! Hope it works it's magic for you. I'm still waiting for it to work for me. I've had 4 injections and still..nothing. I guess it can take a while.

The first injection I took when I got back on burned and then the second injection did not burn and the third injection kinda burned. When I get injected I can feel it spreading out from where it was injected. It is weird.

The Humira does seem to be helping me, now that I got my inflammation and swelling knocked down from the pred dose pak.

I get my next shot tonight as a matter of fact

Good Luck to ya and hope it works!

joonie39115.558900463 Great job and good luck!


I have a real phobia about taking meds, even just a pain pill. I cant swallow pills I have to have liquid antibiotics and crush everything else (if it cant be crushed i wont take it). I read far too much into side effects hence the swelling up and stopping breathing with the humira. I have been the same since I was a little girl and my grandmother accidently took double dose of valium and ended up in an icy lake in her nightware.

Keep up with the Humira.  It has worked wonders for me.  (Unless you are allergic!)  I am back to doing much of what I had stopped.  My finaly goal was being able to squat and get back up!  I can!  Like when you are gardening and pulling weeds--or looking at something on a low shelf.   I was out walking on my lunch hour, and going up and down steps was a nightmare for me and I was coming down some steps and started running down them like I could do before the RA got out of control.  What an accomplishment.  I have been on Humira for about 1 1/2 years now along with the Mthx.  I use the needles and inject slowly--very slowly--and it still stings.  I wish theyb would work on that.  I can't imagine the injection pen.  The first shot is the worst. They will get easier and less painful in the future.  15 seconds of ouchie is better than a lifetime of RA. Best wishes.You are SO brave, don't know if I could do it, and hubby faints at the sight of needles so would have no help there at all.  Don't worry too much about side effects, but I agree we should always read them to be aware of the possibilities, however rare.  The only time I violated this rule myself was when the pharmacy did not have the full amount of pills (Reglan) the doc had prescribed, so gave me only a few and neglected to give me the drug info sheet, which I always read religiously.  But since I had heard of Reglan which has been around forever, I didn't think anything of it and blithely took them. By the second night I thought I was having a stroke - my speech was slurred, tongue, mouth and jaw making involuntary movements that I could not control. Very scary. Finally fell asleep. I didn't even connect it to the Reglan until the next day when I picked up the rest of the pills and read the info sheet.  It can cause that type of spasm anywhere in the body - back, neck, shoulder, no way to predict it, and of course it is very rare.  I would never have suspected it, because I had never reacted to anything before.  So . . . keep on reading.    Cheers, Pat  

Thanks for all the support.

My 12 year old daughter has woken up with a horrible cold today and a high temp. all she wants is hugs and to snuggle under the duvet with me to watch a film but I really dont want to catch it so we are compromising. I've lent her my fleecy furry throw and we are having "virtual hugs"