Angels in Disguise | Arthritis Information


Last night, I had my meltdown and called the Crisis number as I've suggested to others to do. So, I have to live by my own suggestions. They came out last night and tonight as well as a followup.

What a great bunch of guys! Just having someone listen to me as a human being for a change did wonders for my outlook. I've been so overwhelmed with everything. They gave me a list of phone numbers (oh, no more phone calls to make!). But they really, really listened to me and understood what I was going through.

They even gave me a hug good-bye. Man, there are days I would kill for one of those.

Nothing has changed yet, but they gave me a dose of hope. So, if you're going crazy, don't hesitate to reach out. I feel much better and like I might make it through a few more days. That's all I needed was just a taste of real humanity. I get that here, of course, but sometimes you need it from a person that you can look in the eyes.

Those were my angels for the day.

YAY! Don't forget Deanna, we're almost always online. We'll be your crisis line!!! *hugs*

I'm glad you got a dose of hope from your angels. You have been a angel of hope to me and to a lot of people on this forum. YOU are have such a way with words to make people feel cared for and comforted. Everybody does need a hug sometimes.

Glad you got deserve it.

Hang tough Deanna......we're all routing for ya!


Deanna, I'm so glad you made that call. Good to know your angels are a phone call away.

I worry about you, and it's good to know you can have someone there when life is such that you really need human contact to help you through the moment. Especially angels bearing hugs.

I know it's not quite the same, but I'm sending you love and hugs.

Blessings as Always,




I am so glad you are getting some emotional support at least Deanna. Have you seen your counsellor yet? I change to a new one this week but am positive about this.
My last one was great, even helped me sort out my social security paperwork & came with me - someone to advocate for you seems to help - it did with me anyway, stops the
intimidation & bullying that comes with the territory.
My counsellor just introduced herself by her first name
& left it at that - they didnt really know who she was but it did the trick. Hopefully your counsellor knows the system & will be there for you too.

Thanks everyone. Cassie, they are not giving me a counselor. Just a psych evalutation. These guys that came out were blown away when I told them that was the only option I was given.

But that's what the phone numbers are for. Hopefully I can find some kind of counseling or support group.

Here, at least, there is nobody that is willing to help you with any of your paperwork unless you are classified as mentally ill. Then after a few months, it doesn't happen quickly, you are given a Case Manager to help you with these things. But you cannot get this aid just because you are disabled. And, if you can do all your own paperwork, handle all this stuff, then Social Security considers you well enough to work.

It is a stinking, lousy system that serve bureaucrats and not the person that needs help.

At least these guys treated me like a human being. I forgot what that was like. The doctors look at you like some kind of experiment gone horribly wrong. But you still have to prove that you are sick. The social workers say to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and go home to comfortable homes and paychecks feeling smug about their good work. It is the everyday pounding that hurts so much and the worsening of my health.

But there were angels in my life this week. I'll keep that as reason to go on.

Katie, I will hunt you down and keep you at your word. Thanks.
