What is soo HARD?! | Arthritis Information


What is soo HARD about UPS getting my darn Humira to me? The last 3 times I have gotten my Humira they could not find where I lived, and would end up delivering it at like 8-9 at night. They have directions to get here, we are on the road map and FEDEX never seemed to have a problem getting my humira here before noon.

UPS sucks!!

Joonie, I think that UPS has cheaper rates than Fed Ex and that is probably why the company is using them.  In my area they sometimes switch drivers which makes it more difficult for them to be on time.  

Yeah, I am sure they are using them because they are cheaper. When FEDEX was delivering my Humira was when I was getting it thru Wal-Mart Specialty Pharmacy. Now that I had to go thru CareMark to save , it is sent via UPS.

I remember when FEDEX delivered my Humira and it was a different driver every time, and yet they got it here before noon. And if they could not find where I lived they would call for directions.


Okay, now I'm having visions of a UPS guy with a BIG HARRY RED BABOON BUTT roaming lost through the neighborhood and scarying little children.

See if you can request the delivery through FEDEX. If you explain the problem, they just might do it.

BIG HARRY RED BABOON BUTT! I don't want to see that.

Does his name tag read, Harry Butt? Or, does he go by the name of Red?

I do not know what his name was, as hubby got the door.

But... I can tell you this.... He might have had baboon plumber's crack.  Better late than never. Why dont you get the humira from the local pharmacy? Is there something about humira I dont know  

Better yet call caremark and have special instructions added to your address - you have about 30 characters on a 2nd address line usually. Something like 'mobile home at back of lot' would fit.  

Marian, I already have that on the 2nd address line and they still do not get it right. I think the next time I order my Humira, which is next month, I will tell the person I am talking to about how it does not get here until 9pm most times. I got mine through Curascripts which were great to work with. FEDEX was very good at making sure I got my package when I was going to be there. Tell them that you are going to insist on another delivery if this happens again and that you want FEDEX. We have a regular driver in our park, see if you can talk to him.
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