Enbrel- Info needed | Arthritis Information


My RA dr wants me to start thinking about switching to Enbrel. My question is can I get finantial help? I do have prescription coverage through my insurance but for Enbrel I have to pay (since not generic) + 25% of the drug cost since it is a specialty drug. That is still going to be over 400 a month. Is there any programs for people that have prescription insurance but still can't afford it? If so can you tell me about it and what you had to go through to get it?




Have you called Amgen yet? (just to check?)

http://www.needymeds.com/drug_list.taf?_function=name&na me=Enbrel

What State are you in? Some States offer low-income Rx assistance programs. http://www.needymeds.com/state_programs.taf

A list of assistance programs, check out the discount mail order link too: http://www.medicarerights.org/rxchart1.html

I found this site on the medicarerights.org page, worth a look . . . http://www.copays.org/

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