Humira and tears | Arthritis Information


Hi there

an Humira make you weepy. I havent had a bad reaction yet and after my shot last night I was fine. not even a site reaction. Today i woke up and have been tearful all day. I was like that on gold injections. Maybe messing with my hormones??

What do you mean tearful? Sad? Depressed? Watery eyes?Sorry i wasnt clear. I meant crying but not depressed, just felt like i wanted to cry for no reason. I feel ok now but its comes and goes.

Are you on anything else besides Humira?

My emotions have been running a little high this week... I think it may be the preds doing it to me.

No just the humira.

Mine might be from the pred, but since I dropped down to 5mg, I do not feel like I have that many side effects from the pred like I use to.

I have noticed that since dropping down to 5mg a day, I do not eat as much, or hardly ever eat. I think I eat like 1 time a day, which is dinner time and I do not go to sleep hungry or wake up hungry like I did when I was on 10mg of pred.

I have been on Humira for 2 yrs and havent had that kind of side effect. Actually I havent had any side effects at all. I have done better on this med than any other I have taken including enbrel. Hang in there, hope it works as well for you as it has for me.